Nenets baby photo
Just back from the Russian Arctic & wanted to share this baby photo. Not sure ho to upload more than one shot, so here's one. Always interested in feedback...
It looks like this was shot in a very dark tent or something? That's a very hard place to shoot! All in all I think you did good. If you had more time, I would maybe try a different lighting. Even though the baby is nicely in the light, the rest is pretty dark, and there are some shadows from the ropes that are quite visible. I'm sure it isn't/wasn't possible for several reasons, though. Where was this taken? who is Nenet? & smugmug
Hi Ivar,
Thanks for the comments - always appeciate input, though you are right in guessing that the photo was taken in a tent (called a chum, it's a teepee kind of tent) on the tundra, way up in the Russian Arctic near the Kara Sea (map-it). The Nenets are a people of the Russian Far north - they're nomadic reindeer herders. There are different Nenets tribes/clans. This baby is the daughter of a Yamp-to Nenets couple.
People live much as they did hundreds of years ago - no electricity, no phones, etc. So, not only were lighting conditions poor, but I also had very little time to concentrate on photography as I was there for work. On top of all else, I had a lot of problems with lighting in general this trip. Certainly didn't come back with a great set of photos, but a fascinatig trip none-the-less. If you're interested in seeing more, you can check my gallery here
Thank again!