DARK prints
I got an email from a customer and she was telling me the prints in her order seemed very dark. I also got an order yesterday that I am going to deliver to a customer, and out of curiosity, I opened it. The prints look NOTHING like what is on my screen/site. Very dark. I have a lot of orders going out and I am afraid that I am going to get more emails about dark prints. Can someone provide some type of input here?
Just wondering what the problem was and how resolved?
I do not know the specifics of this case, but if you check our help pages here you will see that the number one reason for returns is that the prints are too dark.
The first thing to think about is that monitors are lit with transmitted light where as prints are seen with reflected light and that in and of itself means a print will never be as bright as your monitor display.
Then you need to consider the variation that folks can impose on how bright their monitors are, and whether they have glossy monitors and so on.
The help pages have lots of tips for getting great prints. The color correction process at EZPrints will increase exposure on photos. Bay Photo will evaluate the photo and correct exposure if necessary. In either case, color correction by the labs is a good tool to help with underexposed photos.
Hope that helps
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I'm not sure where to go from here. Any help from other pros would be great.
Use the histogram, to see how much of your photo is dark, underexposed.
I really expect that you have your monitor too-bright.
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One thing that isn't being mentioned...what did you calibrate the monitors to? Specifically, what luminance level do you pick when you start the calibration process? (e.g. 90 cd/m2 or 120 cd/m2)
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Do you know of online resources that might help me read these correctly?
CC on and off.
The EZPrints photos are typically brighter. Very close to my calibrated monitor. One was borderline too bright.
Several BayPhoto prints are considerably darker.
I will start a new thread on my order results as there were other differences but I figured I would add my datapoint on dark prints to this thread.
Thank you.
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All the prints in my last order are darker than they should be.
Order # 1231072
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Should I expect photos like this to be printed dark by Bay?
In the print I received from them you can't make out the dock and water in the foreground, they are completely black. Would it be better to send these type of shots through EZ, or am I doing something wrong on my side.
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