Please save my new Flash

Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
edited September 20, 2009 in Accessories

I got it ! my new 580exII is here right before wedding of my close relative:wink

I have heard flash can be toasted if used rapidly. How can i minimize chances of roasting my new flash? Should i worry about that ?

Sorry i couldn't find it on google:rolleyes

And what is easiest and effective way to diffuse direct flash these days.
Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

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  • Wil DavisWil Davis Registered Users Posts: 1,692 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2009

    I got it ! my new 580exII is here right before wedding of my close relativemwink.gif

    I have heard flash can be toasted if used rapidly. How can i minimize chances of roasting my new flash? Should i worry about that ?

    Sorry i couldn't find it on googlerolleyes1.gif

    And what is easiest and effective way to diffuse direct flash these days.

    Congrats on the new toy! :D

    I'd spend as much time as possible playing with it so that using the controls becomes second nature when it comes to the Real Thing (nothing looks more amateurish than fumbling with destruction manuals during the gig!!).

    I wouldn't worry too much about toasting it. The flash should be able to cope with normal use OK; I've noticed that sometimes my SB800 gets warm, but only after I've been playing around with continuous bursts and using the modelling light.

    Easiest (& cheapest) way to diffuse flash is a (clean) white handkerchief… (pauses for the howls of derisive laughter from the "Gary Fong Fing Bong Betty Bouncer Best-Thing-Since-Sliced-Bread Brigade" to die down…) …but many's the time that simple device has been so effective for me, and in an emergency, you can also use it to blow your nose (can't do that with your Gary Fong mwink.gif ) …well, you did say easiest and effective!

    Hey, congrats to your close relative; take 1000s of pictures and post some of them here; they're sure to be good! thumb.gif

    HTH -

    - Wil
    "…………………" - Marcel Marceau
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2009
    Wil Davis wrote:
    Congrats on the new toy! :D

    I'd spend as much time as possible playing with it so that using the controls becomes second nature when it comes to the Real Thing (nothing looks more amateurish than fumbling with destruction manuals during the gig!!).

    I wouldn't worry too much about toasting it. The flash should be able to cope with normal use OK; I've noticed that sometimes my SB800 gets warm, but only after I've been playing around with continuous bursts and using the modelling light.

    Easiest (& cheapest) way to diffuse flash is a (clean) white handkerchief… (pauses for the howls of derisive laughter from the "Gary Fong Fing Bong Betty Bouncer Best-Thing-Since-Sliced-Bread Brigade" to die down…) …but many's the time that simple device has been so effective for me, and in an emergency, you can also use it to blow your nose (can't do that with your Gary Fong mwink.gif ) …well, you did say easiest and effective!

    Hey, congrats to your close relative; take 1000s of pictures and post some of them here; they're sure to be good! thumb.gif

    HTH -

    - Wil
    :D:D Thanks Wil !
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

    My Gallery
  • ziggy53ziggy53 Super Moderators Posts: 24,187 moderator
    edited September 18, 2009

    I got it ! my new 580exII is here right before wedding of my close relativemwink.gif

    I have heard flash can be toasted if used rapidly. How can i minimize chances of roasting my new flash? Should i worry about that ?

    Sorry i couldn't find it on googlerolleyes1.gif

    And what is easiest and effective way to diffuse direct flash these days.

    Awais, congratulations on the new flash. You will love it, once you learn how to use it and explore the possibilities.

    Normal use does not put the flash at risk. It is a constant rapid recycling with no cooling period that gets folks into trouble. The flash is mostly at risk with the external battery packs that allow very fast successions of full-power discharges.

    I don't know if you can get "Foamies" sheets in your country, but they are expanded foam sheets that are easy to cut and form into shapes useful for flash modification. Before the foam sheets I used reasonably stiff paper with good results.

    The things you can create for yourself that I recommend are:

    Joe Demb also makes an interesting device for sale (reasonable):

    I own a FlipIt product and it works well and is very well made.

    A site showing various modifiers in use:

    Here are some examples of using the "scoop" modifier in the first link:



    Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
  • AlbertZeroKAlbertZeroK Registered Users Posts: 217 Major grins
    edited September 18, 2009
    The flash has a small built in bounce card. I often pull mine out and tilt my flash at an angle. It's a great little flash! I love mine and have put it through heck.

    A tip, you can find AA e2 Titatinium Batteries on ebay in quanity for cheap, an example, I just got 48 batteries for $30. It's all I use in my flash.
    Canon 50D and 2x T2i's // 2x 580ex II // FlexTT5's & MiniTT1's
    EFS 17-55 f/2.8 & 10-22 // Sigma 30mm f/1.4 & 50mm f/1.4
    Sigma Bigma OS // Canon 70-200 IS f/2.8
  • divamumdivamum Registered Users Posts: 9,021 Major grins
    edited September 19, 2009
    Awais - start reading for ways of bouncing on-camera flash that give beautiful diffused results. Most of his diffusion comes from bouncing the flashhead on to a larger white surface (eg a wall, room divider, white ceiling, white building, light wall hanging - whatever is available).... essentially creating an environmental softbox; he then uses a sheet of black foam (black paper would work too) as a "flag" so he can direct the light exactly where he wants it. The results he gets speak for themselves. He's a good writer, and offers lots of specific tips (and beautiful examples!)

    The simple "scoops" made of foam or paper that Ziggy recommends are also great, particularly if you're going to be outside or don't have a handy wall/ceiling you can use to bounce. Also, if you can get some bubble wrap (the kind used in mailing), you can make a simple diffuser out of that, too (I use Ikea's shelf liner which is thicker and more robust, but I suspect that the light properties are similar). Google for diy flash diffusers and there are quite a few tutorials and how-to's around. Here's the one I used:

    Enjoy the new toy :D
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited September 20, 2009

    Thanks guys for great help !!!
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

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