Can I bulk remove keywords?

Hello- I just created a trial account and transferred 4000+ images in 150+ galleries from Flickr using Smugglr. Unfortunately, also imported were a large number of keywords I do not want to use on SmugMug. Is there a quick way to bulk remove keywords? Ideally, I'd like to select a keyword(s) and tell SmugMug to remove it from all photos, and then delete the keyword itself so it never appears again. Is this doable?
- Dave
- Dave
It's fairly easy too.
In a gallery go to Tools->Caption/Keyword.
In the quick entry you can remove a specific text or completely empty the keywords.
Works also for captions
About louloupix
Will this remove they keyword from ALL galleries, or just the selected gallery? I'm looking for a global remove across all galleries.
You could just click on a keyword to go to the keyword gallery. It'll display all photos for the keyword. Now click on Tools > many photos > caption/keyword . That allows you to edit the captions and keywords for all photos with the keyword. That should work with up to 500 photos, but it might take a while for the page to load.
Take a look at the top box that allows you to clear out the keyword field among other things (quick entry). Check the quick entry section here.
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