Backing up files

Well, I'm having probelms with my external hard drive. I have been backing up the pictures to DVD every month, but this month I have not backed them up yet. It's strange, the programs on the external will work, and the photos on the external will show up if I ask them to, however I can't go into My computer and explore the external. Whenever i do it tells me to format the hard drive before using it.
In any event, I've signed up for a free trial of Carbonite online storage, and am updating the files so I can format. Has anyone used Carbonite before? What do you think of the service?
In any event, I've signed up for a free trial of Carbonite online storage, and am updating the files so I can format. Has anyone used Carbonite before? What do you think of the service?
Fred J Claus
Commercial Photographer
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I used Mozy, I liked it better. It's all quite subjective though. If they get the job done and the price is right (and they aren't going to go out of business overnight!) it's six in one and a half-dozen in the other.
Now I'm using SugarSync because I like the sync (not just backup) feature. If I was just doing backups I'd probably go back to Mozy or else that company Andy uses (can't think of who that is but it's a lot of space for cheap).
Run through through a rotating backup scheme ... I personally rotate through 5 (and keep them in separate locations)
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What types of externals do you use? I personally have a Toshiba 250GB.
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My externals run 24 / 7 unless I am going out of town overnight then everything is unplugged and rebooted when I return.
Before I found a supplier for seagate, I had to use maxtor and WD and I was having what is known as hard crashes (a hard crash is one that you actually hear the read head slam directly into the disk platter) every few weeks and I was loosing a lot of needed info and photo files.....those were never recovered.........
Then I found a seagate supplier and never looked back, bought one hitachi to try out and it has not given any problems.....oldest seagate is running on 4.5 yrs, about time to order a replacement and transfer all data then wipe and sell the older one..................
Hard drives are cheap. I have control. I know where they are and how they are being stored.
My images, my responsibility.
Ironically, maybe, I use SmugMug to back up photos that I would hate to lose in a fire or burglary. Mostly these are not of any artistic merit but they have an emotional value to me and my family/friends. So my back-up strategy is rather simple:
- on each pc on my network
- archived on external hard-disk (s)
- sorted in SmugMug
I recently ordered a copy of my SmugMug galleries on DVD - I would hate to have to sort again in the unlikely event SmugMug and/or Amazon do an overnight vanishing act. I'll be storing this DVD off-site, and I'll order another copy in 12 months time.
Once I burn the DVD's, I remove them from the hard drive. Could that part of the process be causing the problem?
Where do you buy your seagates from? It was a toss up between Toshiba and Seagate, but the salesman told me that Toshiba was better.
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I mostly use New Egg and TIGER in last 6 or so months it had TD as they have had the best sales.....1 and 1.5 TB drives for under $90+ s/h of course.......I normally do a 3 at a time buy..........
You should not have a proble mby removeing files from you harddrive ,,,,,unless you are trying o access them thru a catalog made by Lightroom or some other data basing software................
Actually we have no choice but to TRUST our files to any of the many 3rd parties out there.....
You trust your images to a 3 party everytime you placew them on a harddrive of a cd or dvd.....and in this day and age.......any company can go belly up over night......also none of the drive manufacturers make all the components inside the drive so they have to trust the quality of the platter makers, the diode makers the IC chip makers........and that leaves us no choice but to have trust in the various 3rd parties also...........
I am looking to into these as one of them is about $5/mo with a no limit on stored files......$60/yr is cheaper than HDD's but I would not trust them to be my only archiving system......I would intergrate them as my 3rd or 4th harddrive.....and they are actually offsite.....also I believe you can store raws and dngs at at least one of them.....I could be wrong here and that is one thing I need to have answered for me.................
A good back-up strategy means being prepared to have two legs to stand-on in the unlikely event your hard disk crashes, your house burns down etc.
DVD is part of my strategy but I also see a lot of variance in the quality of media out there, and I'm sure we all had the experience of not being able to read an old disk on a new drive.
I also read some stuff about sticking a hard disk in a drawer and forgetting about it. Well, all digital storage media will degrade over time so you really need to figure when to copy the copy. The big advantage of archiving in "the cloud" is that this aspect should be taken care of by your supplier but I don't know of any that offer a solid guarantee to a) not lose your data or b) to give you substantial financial damages in the event they do.
Exactly correct on the DVD aspects.......I bought a name brand bundle of dvd's and filled them with images and then cleaned all images off my "c" drive and figured I'd use the dvd to access my files as I need to on a nice clear blue day a week or so down the road I went to pull a file and print it........and got this....CORRUPT FILES...... the dvd's were stored in their jewel cases and away from any thing that could harm cist me a sale from a client and also cost me a load of time hunting down a software that could recover all my files not jsut my thiumb nail sized ones or a software that recovered and saved full sized files......I found hundreds of softwares that recovered everything but when you save them they were tiny 240x 320......were talking business card size.......
So yesone must be careful of consumer grade disks from you local discount or offices supply store.....
I recommend Mam-A (formely known as Mitsui) GOLD, I used them for almost 5 yrs recording several thousands of disks each school yr at the University I workled at and if 1 out of 300 failed we that was before we had used every brand out there and the last was sony and Sony failed at a rate of about 20-30 per hundred......Mam-A Gold have an actual gold layer (not dye) that gets written on by the laser.....they are the most stable disks available and they cost a bit more also.
I do not think any of the archiving services offer any compensation if data is lost.....that just would not be would be great if they did.........
Yes, you do need to be careful about degradation over time. But there's a bigger issue as well. In ___ years (fill in the blank) you will not be able to buy a computer that reads DVDs, just as today's machines don't come with floppy disk readers. So your strategy needs to include some thought about how you will migrate your data to other media when the time comes. DVDs can still make sense, but only as part of a larger scheme that always involves having multiple copies on separate media and testing them periodically for integrity.
I agree with half. Back up on hard drives they're cheap, and you can be responsible for it.
But services like Mozy and BackBlaze offer secure offsite backup. If your house burns down the images are still safe. It shouldn't replace local backups, but supplement them.
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