Red Cowboy Boots

Randy's photo of cowboy boots inspired me to get out my old red cowboy boots that I wore when I was young. Story told to me was that no matter what I wore -- even dresses -- I needed to wear my "cowboys".

Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I can dig that
My Photographic Adventures
Nikon D7000 | 10-20 | 50 | 55-200
Do they still fit?
Those boots were/are so loved that I keep them in my nick-nack cabinet to look at. That sounds crazy
I was 3 or 4 when I got these boots -- wore them till my toes curled inside because I didn't want to part with them.
It does look like a longhorn on the front, but when photographed from the front it looks like a scary face
Oh how I wish they still fit :cry I remember getting them -- I was determined to be a cowboy. Since my feet didn't grow fast I wore those boots for many years. Mom said they were the most expensive shoes I ever had as a child. The photo makes them look much bigger then they really are. I grew out of these around 2nd grade.
Bought another pair about 10 years back, but they aren't as nice so I don't wear them much. Maybe I just need to break them in more.
Thanks for taking a look and commenting Azzaro