Black Lab Head Shot

Haven't posted in a few days so I quickly processed an old shot to see what ya'll think. This is from an adoption event last fall. I volunteer with a local animal rescue group and did some shooting at the event. Most are good snapshots to capture the activity at the event, but I liked this shot. Have some others of this same foster mom holding 2 pups--maybe I'll post it later.
Big event next Sat and I plan to be there to shoot and, more importantly, help find homes for a few canines.
Big event next Sat and I plan to be there to shoot and, more importantly, help find homes for a few canines.

That's great that you help out such a noble cause.
There's a lot of "take me home" in that image, but personally, I'd like to have seen the eyes in focus/too. Windows to the soul type of thing...
Nice shot, Lauren. Getting detail like this in a photo of a black dog isn't easy and you've nailed it. (And who could resist those puppy-dog eyes?)
Unless you have a very specific reason to not do so, and I don't think that's the case here, you should always have the eyes of the subject in good focus. It's one of the " rules " of photography ( we all know, of course, that rules can and should be broken sometimes ) that should be followed in most cases. I do think its a nice picture that, however, would have benefited from employing the rule.
Take care,
Jerry - Thanks for the nice comment. If I could, I'd bring more home . . . but I'm at my limit now w/ 2 dogs and 3 cats!
Tom - You are right about the eyes, of course. This was a year ago and I'd like to think I've improved since then so hope I'll get better shots at this next event. I know for sure this would have been better with focus on the eyes. I was just hoping to make something out of a so-so shot by some extra PS work.
Lauren Blackwell
I pat you on the back for doing the work you do with the rescue
couldn't do it....I'd come home with all the dogs or cry because I had to leave some behind.