*ENTRY* Thread DSS #34: Inside Out or Upside Down

Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge #34
Welcome to Round #34 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, September 21, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4) to Monday, October 5, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Inside Out or Upside Down
Flip it, twist it, or turn it, it's time to look at things a little topsy-turvy. So make the wrong side right or the downside up, and make our heads spin!
Your Judges:
Karrie McD (Winner of Round 31)
Halite (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.
Welcome to Round #34 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges. This challenge is open to any Dgrin member. It will run from Monday, September 21, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4) to Monday, October 5, 08:00am, EDT time (GMT -4).
The topic ready for your interpretation: Inside Out or Upside Down
Flip it, twist it, or turn it, it's time to look at things a little topsy-turvy. So make the wrong side right or the downside up, and make our heads spin!
Your Judges:
Karrie McD (Winner of Round 31)
Halite (Guest Judge)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a Smugmug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page: Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your exif will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge Rules, there have been some slight modifications.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Kerry, do you come up with these contests all on your own, or do you have help?
Some carried over from Em's previous brainstorming, but most now come from random ideas I jot down. Usually around midnight. After little sleep the day before.
I am guessing this midnight might be one of those nights? :twitch
...oh, that just gave me another idea! :smo
I competition where the date taken has to be midnight? lol
Too bad you can't keep the comments that are on your first version :cry
Aaarrrgghhhh............................ :bash:uhoh
Make the best of it!!!
Sorry to hear about that Diva. Water issues are the worst. We just got done closing up a chunk of ceiling from a pinhole leak.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I'd sure say it does. But that does suck - sorry to hear about your leak :cry
How did you find it? We're going NUTS trying to find the source of this thing., which we've been chasing for weeks - we keep thinking we have it, and then it turns up somewhere else. Our builder is tearing his hair out. The irony is that the roof is - or should I say, appears - to be in great condition, but water is clearly getting in somewhere! Bleahhhhhhh.....
It trashed the microwave yesterday - we didnt' realise it was leaking into a cabinet, but then it hit the over-the-range microwave and fried the keypad. There's a vague chance it might dry out and live to cook another day, but we have last rites standing by just in case..... :cry
Sadly, I can't figure out how to make it either 1. Artistic or 2. Funny enough for an entry. I'll just sit here and feel sorry for myself instead....
Two summers ago, we got 18" of rain in a day. Yes, a day. Needless to say, there was some flooding going on. The previous owners had water problems right after they bought the house, ended up putting a new water drainage system in. It works great. However, the electricity has to be working. I am a nurse and ended up working 16 hours that day. As I was driving home, my entire side of town had lost power. DH was out at a bachelor party. When I got home, everything was fine, no water in our basement. However, when dh got home about an hour and a half after me, he found several inches of water in our completely finished basement. Yeah, that was when we learned the hard lesson of the electricity.
Good luck. It is an awful situation to deal with.
$400 plumber call..... and another couple hundred to fix the destroyed sheetrock. The leak finally poked through the sheetrock one night.
Roof leaks are insidious, esp near the eaves because no one can get in there to really see what's going on. The builder may not want to, but he might need to get up under the roofing material to find where the decking is messed up.
I had to interrupt this reply ironically because we put a bottle of sparkling water in the freezer last night to chill it. Forgot about it until just now when it had exploded. Not sure its quite right for the theme though, either. On the bright side, daughter got invited on an sleep over, which means just two at home tonight. Signing off....
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Here's our solution for overnight
First time we've had to buy THOSE in 8 years or so!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We're OK but a number of my friends are still up to their wastes inside their houses.
We definitely saw the phrase "when it rains it pours" in action:
Keep dry and stay safe
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Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I just read this thread after posting my "housing underwater" entry.
Divamum, was not inspired by your catastrophe--but what a coincidence!
I do like your diaper solution though--I will keep a few of my daughter's around just in case.
I do believe you are a genius!
edit** But did it work?
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It TOTALLY worked. It was pouring - I think we got about 5" in 10 hours - but the diaper sopped up enough that the big ole roasting tin we have set on top of the cabinet didn't overflow before we could empty it out in the morning. Definitely a Useful Household Item to have even once the little folk are housetrained!
Our guy has been back up there again all week. Absolutely NOTHING obvious has been found but... clearly it's getting in somehow! He's put a liquid acrylic membrane over it, so we'll see if this does the job. In the meantime, we're withoug a microwave (the water trashed the existing one) which is more of a pain than we expected it would be!
Peter, just saw the news item on Typhoon Parma. Hopefully you/family/friends remain safe. Be well, stay dry, post again soon.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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It's ok it must have just taken some time to show. It's there now
I just looked at the entries and they are marvelous!! What creativity of thought and execution. Glad I'm not judging this one. It would be very hard to narrow it down to 10 favs.
Congratulations to everyone who entered.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus