Learning... learning... learning

Some of you may know that I've recently (just 3 days ago) made the big move up from my old Sony friend into something a little more advanced. Its time to share some of the agony and the joy.
So what if the first shot off the new 20D and Tamron 28-75 wasn't up to the Challenges quality. I like it. It has that old world dreamy contorted off-color artsy quality to it. :giggle

A day later, on a walk to the lake, I decided to get a little creative. I call this image Did She Say "No"? At least I found out that the onboard flash could fire.

Today, after taking dozens of very sharp pictures of the July 4th parade, the learning curve took a big and disappointing dive southward, proving that learning through mistakes is sometimes necessary to get to a higher level of understanding. I thought I was totally prepared and set up for the annual F-15 parade flyover. I metered the shot well in advance, upped the ISO to 400 to obtain faster shutter speeds, set a smaller aperture for good DOF, parked the camera in full manual, switched the lens to manual focus at infinity, set drive mode to continuous and waited. Then they came. Got about 30 shots off. How could anything go wrong? :dunno

Seems that there is a beyond infinity setting on the focus ring I didn't know about. I do now. :doh
So what if the first shot off the new 20D and Tamron 28-75 wasn't up to the Challenges quality. I like it. It has that old world dreamy contorted off-color artsy quality to it. :giggle

A day later, on a walk to the lake, I decided to get a little creative. I call this image Did She Say "No"? At least I found out that the onboard flash could fire.

Today, after taking dozens of very sharp pictures of the July 4th parade, the learning curve took a big and disappointing dive southward, proving that learning through mistakes is sometimes necessary to get to a higher level of understanding. I thought I was totally prepared and set up for the annual F-15 parade flyover. I metered the shot well in advance, upped the ISO to 400 to obtain faster shutter speeds, set a smaller aperture for good DOF, parked the camera in full manual, switched the lens to manual focus at infinity, set drive mode to continuous and waited. Then they came. Got about 30 shots off. How could anything go wrong? :dunno

Seems that there is a beyond infinity setting on the focus ring I didn't know about. I do now. :doh
My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky