books and lens filters?
I am 17 and just bought a canon xti on ebay that came with a 18-55 and a 70-300. It seems pretty hard to figure out everything that i can do with it. I have read about it and it sounds that filters on the lenses help with image quality. I don't have any money left, actually I owe my mom about $200 still. If anyone has any 58mm filters they dont use or books that they have read and dont use anymore I would greatly appreciate them. I am trying to take my senior pictures. I could pay the favor back when I can. Thanks alot Matt
A UV filter is typically used for protecting the front of the lens. In your case, it may not be much use considering the lenses are worth less than a few hundred dollars (compare that to my lenses worth $500 - $1800 each)
If there is anything I would buy, it would be Adobe Lightroom ($100 for a student). You should also look for Magic Lantern DVD for your camera.
Take a look too on You Tube for people who have done how-to's with your camera. is another great resource. There are tons of information on forums too. Also, check with your local public library, most libraries have a trade program where they can get in rare books from other libraries, so if they don't have it, they can possibly borrow it from a library that does.
Congrats on your new camera! And welcome to DGrin.
EFS 17-55 f/2.8 & 10-22 // Sigma 30mm f/1.4 & 50mm f/1.4
Sigma Bigma OS // Canon 70-200 IS f/2.8