Sticking Gitzo tripod legs, whats the solution?

I took out my beloved Gitzo GT5560SGT this weekend to do some shooting and found that on most of the legs, if I extend them near full extension then when I try to slide them back in they're stuck and take some wobbling/rotating/swearing to push back in. The leg locks are neither too tight or too loose and I remember cleaning/servicing the leg joints not too long ago... I looked around to see if I need to lube them with something but the google was pretty clear on that not being the thing to do. Anybody got any suggestions?
Ever hear of Optimus Zoom? Me either.
SmugMug iOS Sorcerer
I realize that might not be what's sticking on your legs, but it does indicate that the use of lubricants is ok. Personally, I'd hit it with a shot of Silicone spray. I've never seen anything that can be harmed by it.
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Yea, I ran across somebody saying suggesting using Lithium lubricant on the threads as well but like you said I don't think that is the issue. Silicone spray eh...
Kind weird that you're having problems with it. Gitzos aren't generally known for sticking like this, and I've never had any trouble with my GT3530LSV, even in extremely dusty climates. Let us know when you get it sorted out.
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Thats the same thing Andy said, that he's never had a problem with sticking gitzo legs, I think I'll give them a call tomorrow during eastern time business hours. This is the 4th set of gitzo legs I've owned and the only pair that has ever been sticky.
Just read the article the guy links to in that article you link to and I also have the white collars like he says (not the cardboard/black ones like in the article) so maybe its a systemic problem.