Introducing my SB600M this SB600 had been on a stand and found the floor thanks to a kindly smack by a food server at an event. Busted Flashtube. I waited since I had two others and finally got around to finding and ordering the flashtube and then decided to go it a step further and modify the Sb.
I added a battery pack with four AA batts, and added and relocated the photodiode to the battery pack top.
SO far, so good. The iTTL isn't working up to snuff so I don't know if that circuit took a hit when It hit the floor or what, and until I get a repair manual, The other settings will have to suffice. I haven't tried AA setting yet, because I always shoot iTTL or manual. Manual works fine.
Below photo Looking though the glass window of my back door out thirty feet to the flash and sensor.

The assembly doing it's thing: up close~

Another angle of the insult I caused the SB600M

Ain't rainy days just great?
I did this of course because I want to not have to be in direct line of sight with the flashgun. And because I like to putz around a bit~
Let me know what you think~
I added a battery pack with four AA batts, and added and relocated the photodiode to the battery pack top.
SO far, so good. The iTTL isn't working up to snuff so I don't know if that circuit took a hit when It hit the floor or what, and until I get a repair manual, The other settings will have to suffice. I haven't tried AA setting yet, because I always shoot iTTL or manual. Manual works fine.
Below photo Looking though the glass window of my back door out thirty feet to the flash and sensor.

The assembly doing it's thing: up close~

Another angle of the insult I caused the SB600M

Ain't rainy days just great?
I did this of course because I want to not have to be in direct line of sight with the flashgun. And because I like to putz around a bit~
Let me know what you think~
tom wise