
Here is a shot that I really like of my dog. It was harsh light and he was in my shadow. Hard to wrangle a fish, pole, camera and dog at the same time. But I think I fixed it up a bit.
Here is the original import. To me the pup and fish are way dark. Just pumping up the exposure makes the grass too bright.

Here is one that I think I probably overdid in Photoshop. Lots of adjustment layers in this. The fish, dog, lure, and tongue all have their own layers. I also did some color tweaking and exposure gradients in Lightroom.

For this one I started over again. Tuned the exposure in LR first and added my exposure gradients. Then went to Photoshop to give the fish a layer and tune it up just a little. I adjusted the exposure and brightness of the fish to lighten it up. I also burned in the tail a bit to make it a bit more natural looking and tone it back down. I added some unsharp mask to the whole picture to make it pop a bit more. Then back to LR for some final brightness and contrast tweaking. I think I like this one the best. And it was a lot less time than the second go round.
Here is the original import. To me the pup and fish are way dark. Just pumping up the exposure makes the grass too bright.

Here is one that I think I probably overdid in Photoshop. Lots of adjustment layers in this. The fish, dog, lure, and tongue all have their own layers. I also did some color tweaking and exposure gradients in Lightroom.

For this one I started over again. Tuned the exposure in LR first and added my exposure gradients. Then went to Photoshop to give the fish a layer and tune it up just a little. I adjusted the exposure and brightness of the fish to lighten it up. I also burned in the tail a bit to make it a bit more natural looking and tone it back down. I added some unsharp mask to the whole picture to make it pop a bit more. Then back to LR for some final brightness and contrast tweaking. I think I like this one the best. And it was a lot less time than the second go round.

On 3 I only made the fish it's own layer. I think the opacity was about the same at around 75%.
After not looking at it for a day maybe I like 2 the best? It is hard to say.
So which one is good stuff?