How about the ability to export the stats from one gallery for the previous month and for the current month to a CSV format?
Or how about the capability of being able to sort on all the thumbnails shown when you click on the bar graph stats for a gallery.
For instance, to be able to sort by the most total hits or the most bandwidth used? That would tell me numerically and visually which photos were the most popular for the previous month and the current month. I could use that to determine which photos to use in a DVD, photobook etc. The data is there and it is obviously being stored in a database. Now just need to the capability to sort. We can sort in the "Arrange' function, so I would assume that routine could be expanded and applied to the Stats feature.
While it doesn't allow for sorting on stats, you can simply go to Stats in your control panel. Select one of you galleries (click on the bar graph) then highlight (Ctrl A or Select All) and paste into Excel.
What you get is the thumbnail image along with the stats - small, medium, large, etc and bandwidth used for each photo. Nicely formatted for easy viewing offline.
However the data is not organized in a columnar fashion for sorting. You can uee filters to select for instance just "bandwidth" or "large" but you can not sort on the results. However, you can quickly visualize which ones are the most popular by size or bandwidth.
To get the most of it you would need to manually rearrange - too much work - or write a VBA script to reorganize the data. The latter would be the ideal but would be too much work.
So, in the interim I will copy and paste and view offline which photos in a gallery are the most popular. I know photo rank does this but not for protected galleries and it assumes that people do that.
Statcounter can do this (excel and csv)... here's the tutorial on how to set it up.
How about the ability to export the stats from one gallery for the previous month and for the current month to a CSV format?
Or how about the capability of being able to sort on all the thumbnails shown when you click on the bar graph stats for a gallery.
For instance, to be able to sort by the most total hits or the most bandwidth used? That would tell me numerically and visually which photos were the most popular for the previous month and the current month. I could use that to determine which photos to use in a DVD, photobook etc. The data is there and it is obviously being stored in a database. Now just need to the capability to sort. We can sort in the "Arrange' function, so I would assume that routine could be expanded and applied to the Stats feature.
Hopefully. This would be a great tool.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
What you get is the thumbnail image along with the stats - small, medium, large, etc and bandwidth used for each photo. Nicely formatted for easy viewing offline.
However the data is not organized in a columnar fashion for sorting. You can uee filters to select for instance just "bandwidth" or "large" but you can not sort on the results. However, you can quickly visualize which ones are the most popular by size or bandwidth.
To get the most of it you would need to manually rearrange - too much work - or write a VBA script to reorganize the data. The latter would be the ideal but would be too much work.
So, in the interim I will copy and paste and view offline which photos in a gallery are the most popular. I know photo rank does this but not for protected galleries and it assumes that people do that.
If there are other methods, please let us know.
This is very valuable information.
"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams
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"You don't take a photograph, you make it." ~Ansel Adams