DSS 34 Has me upside down.... Help?

What do you guys think of this? Too disturbing?

"I'm not yelling. I'm Cuban. That's how we talk."
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Hmmm... I was just trying out this concept. Would like to hear a few more opinions before I go ahead with it. This won't be my entry since it is not a fresh image. I'm simply trying the idea out and also checking to see if my post work is worth entering.
Hopefully I can do it again!
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Still, disturbingly wonderful!!
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Hey cuban -- those are pretty cool. Disturbing, but cool.
I had a little time this morning before heading out to the office to work on it some more. Here is the new version...
Did I get it this time or does it still need work?
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Way COOL! Thanks. You know, its funny because I thought the previous version looked good last night. Then this morning I woke up to check this thread, I immediate impression is that it looked horrible. The blending on the forehead was really bad. With a pair of fresh eyes I was able to get it right.
I just hope this isn't too disturbing for the judges!!
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