View from Veterans' Memorial Plaza

This was shot in Veterans Memorial Plaza in downtown San Antonio. You can see the Tower of the Americas in the distance. The flag is lowered in honor of Sen Kennedy. You can also see the Korean war memorial statue just to the right and below the flag. I loved the dramatic skies that day so I used Topaz Adjust to enhance the contrast and colors. I also like the framing from the trees.
C&C appreciated.
C&C appreciated.

I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I'm seeing a marked improvement in your compositions and processing lately
And, do I need to buy you a clock?
Nothing for me to take the wrong way--I very much appreciate your comments, always. I am pleased to know you think my work is improving, both shooting and processing b/c I am really trying to pay more attention to both. I am always open to suggestions, encouragement, and criticism. That's the way to improve.
As for getting me a clock . . . don't bother. I'll only look at it and think "hey it's 0200" and turn back to the screen. Would prefer to be asleep then but at least I am retired and don't have to go to work! :ivar Now, how 'bout you? You must be on the night shift!
Keep commenting on my work, please--you've helped a lot so far!
Lauren Blackwell
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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