For the bike riders in here (pedel & motor)

This New Zealand Co has an idea.
I was reading today that the front end is from a Mountain Bike. It says they are 45 KG...thats 99 pounds for the metricly challenged (metric will win you know may be a while but it will win)
Kiwis are a weird mob...a handfull of people that can produce stuff thats quite amazing :thumb Its also believed that they flew before the wright brothers but thats another argument.
Dont know how it would go with the ruler of the wasteland on it :uhoh
I was reading today that the front end is from a Mountain Bike. It says they are 45 KG...thats 99 pounds for the metricly challenged (metric will win you know may be a while but it will win)
Kiwis are a weird mob...a handfull of people that can produce stuff thats quite amazing :thumb Its also believed that they flew before the wright brothers but thats another argument.
Dont know how it would go with the ruler of the wasteland on it :uhoh