Uploading pics from Snow leopard Mac - Help!
Is there any way to upload pics from a Snow Leopard mac without problems?
I just signed up and have about 1000 pics to upload. I have tried the java applet uploader from Safari and Firefox, the iPhoto plugin and Macdaddy . The java applet hangs after about 100 pics, the iPhoto plugin errors out after 10-20 pics with 'wrong format', and macdaddy just plain hangs the entire system.
Please help!!
I just signed up and have about 1000 pics to upload. I have tried the java applet uploader from Safari and Firefox, the iPhoto plugin and Macdaddy . The java applet hangs after about 100 pics, the iPhoto plugin errors out after 10-20 pics with 'wrong format', and macdaddy just plain hangs the entire system.
Please help!!
Also, can you post a link to your site so that we can take a look at your upload log? That would help us a lot.
Let us know if you still have trouble getting your photos up even with the new MacDaddy, and we can try troubleshooting your connectivity.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography