Major help quick
Is it possible to link Paypal to your smugmug website so that customers can use paypal when they order prints?
Also, is there an option for customers where they can fill their cart but not pay...the photographer will go back and pay for them?
Also, is there an option for customers where they can fill their cart but not pay...the photographer will go back and pay for them?
It is possible to add PayPal to your SmugMug site, but you cannot integrate it with our cart. You would need a separate order collection mechanism.
As well, carts only exist within the users browser memory, so only on the computer/browser that the buyer is using. So I am afraid that you cannot see the contents of your buyers carts until they order.
The much anticipated new feature of coupons will allow you to give your customers coupons that in essence will give you the ability to pay for their orders. Until they are released, you will need customers to email you their orders, and then you can drop ship to them.
I hope that helps.
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