Ghost Town - Ardmore, SD

Re-editing and tried these out in HDR. I'm just learning so if I'm heavy handed with the sliders please let me know. Ardmore sits on the border edge of SD and NE. It is known as the town that survived the Great Drepression without one family on welfare. Quick facts on Ardmore, SD.
I have more on my site. Hope you enjoy them
Old shed sitting on the south end of town.

Car dump - I could get closer to these then the buildings in town because of the bee's.

Old store front.

It just gets left behind like everything else in town.

Unfortunately the sun was terrible that day. It was high and hot when we came through here. You could see the heat radiating off the buildings, but I took this photo anyway. Had a hard time exposing the photo since I wanted the part of the house in the shade to show. Should of done different exposures then stacked them together, but I didn't know how to do that then

I have more on my site. Hope you enjoy them

Old shed sitting on the south end of town.

Car dump - I could get closer to these then the buildings in town because of the bee's.

Old store front.

It just gets left behind like everything else in town.

Unfortunately the sun was terrible that day. It was high and hot when we came through here. You could see the heat radiating off the buildings, but I took this photo anyway. Had a hard time exposing the photo since I wanted the part of the house in the shade to show. Should of done different exposures then stacked them together, but I didn't know how to do that then

I especially like the old cars. They tell a story.
All a bit too oversaturated for my taste. But I like them anyway. Nice series.
You have some very cool color value going on in all. Thats nice PP work.
I like all of them, but the first three are top-notch to me
Don't let the dis-tractors get ya' ~ Stay outside that box!!!
The RV/camper on the left detracts from #5 IMO.
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Thanks for letting me know about the contrast. I'm just learning this stuff and well....I'm finding the outcome for me has to do with my attitude at the time
Your right the cars did tell a story. There were really old ones and newer ones there. Kind of tells the time-line of the town.
Thank you for looking and I'll lighten up them
Ok...I need to lighten, and take the color down a notch or two. Thank you for the input. It helps
Thank you DaddyO
The house - that was one strange looking house. The roof/house really intrigued me because it matched the truck sitting next to it. Wish there were at least one person outside walking around, but the town was empty. Kinda creepy too...wind was blowing and you could hear things move..YIKES!
Thank you Randy
Outside the box is a good place to be
I'm glad you liked them -- as for the RV -- that bugged me too. I tried cropping it out, but it squished the photo to much. It also interested me too since it was there. Thought maybe someone was living in it.
Thank you Azzaro
As for the's been recycled
Hi Neil
Thank you for taking a look and commenting. I like #2 too. I kick myself when I look at that photo....should of taken the time to take a look inside. Sometimes I've found the keys still in the ignition
The cars with the flat tops really interested me.