ATTN: phpSmug Users - Update NOW!!

Hi all
Just a quick note to say if you are currently using phpSmug 2.0.2 or earlier, you will need to update to the latest version (2.1).
The primary reason for this is due to problems with uploads going to (like phpSmug used to do) SmugMug are forcing people to upload to (I really can't remember why I didn't upload here in the first place).
phpSmug 2.1 now uploads to the correct location.
PS. If you are using phpSmug for a public application, drop me a line (either PM or via the contact form at and I'll add a link to your app site and a short description to the sidebar on
Just a quick note to say if you are currently using phpSmug 2.0.2 or earlier, you will need to update to the latest version (2.1).
The primary reason for this is due to problems with uploads going to (like phpSmug used to do) SmugMug are forcing people to upload to (I really can't remember why I didn't upload here in the first place).
phpSmug 2.1 now uploads to the correct location.
PS. If you are using phpSmug for a public application, drop me a line (either PM or via the contact form at and I'll add a link to your app site and a short description to the sidebar on
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If you're using the default caching timeout of 3600 seconds (1 hour), then you're not likely to be hitting the caching issue as you'll only be querying your cache every 4 hours. This check will find it's stale and re-request the data from SmugMug.
The caching issue only comes to light it you regularly querying SmugMug within the cache interval.
What happens then is phpSmug initially checks the cache to find it's empty, pulls the data from SmugMug, caches it and then continues. Subsequent calls to the cache within the cache interval would check the cache, find it's valid, use the data but then re-cache the cached data. If changes were made to your galleries on SmugMug within this time, you could end up in a situation of never actually seeing them.
I've resolved this by moving the caching line a bit further up in the code so that it only caches data received from SmugMug rather than re-caching cached data.
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hey all, i was wondering if you're aware of this situation, as i dont think the smugmug servers are down very often.
i have a page that uses phpsmug to display some album images.
right now, the servers are down for maintenance and it appears that the php code is crashing at the $f->login line because there is no server response. does anybody know if there is a workaround for this?
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