Housing-Under Water

This I can reshoot to my heart's content--Very cooperative subject this time around. What do you think? Should I go with it?--I will wait until the skies are not so glum to reshoot.



I'm kind of partial to the b & w--any thoughts?



I'm kind of partial to the b & w--any thoughts?
Liz A.
Very nice work....super creative. I too love the grainy feel of #2. My only suggestion would be to make your subject (the reflection) a tad more compelling. I won't begin to offer any suggestions, as your much more creative than I.
Nicely done.
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So the vote is in---looks like I'm going with the b&w grainy shot. I've reshot a few just a little while ago and it has a much darker and dreary feel plus the b&w grainy, which is I guess more apt for my title.
Shimon--I reshot taking care not to get the windowsill in the shot.
I get what you are saying about a different subject in the water--I have an idea, if it pans out I'm going that route--same thing glass of water with inverted image, just a different image--if it doesn't work than I will go this route with what I've reshot since this morning. And thank you for the "creative" compliment:D .
Thanks all for your input.
Now if you guys would oblige me with the following:
Ok, these are the ones I reshot--
These are my top 4, in order of my favorite--can you guys help me narrow it down to one.
Title stays the same "Housing--Under Water"
I like this one because it's so very dark, you almost don't see the glass.
I like the graininess of the Black and White it feels wonderful!
Thank you Sherstone.
I too like the grainy b&w--funny that you liked the original set and not the reshoots. Isn't that the way it always works.
I keep going back to my reshoot to #4--so far that's the one tugging at me (for now anyway). I will likely change my mind as soon as I post it into the gallery and there will be a little "delete me" under my original entry.
I appreciate your input--will keep puzzling over which one to enter.
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