Just a quick shot of Little Man this evening.
Have been fighting with Vista all weekend so needed a little something to cheer me up a bit. Since Noise Ninja is still down, these are a bit noisey, but hey, still not bad for 1600 ISO.
NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4 D
Tamron SP AF90mm f/2.8 Di 1:1
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Mr. Christoferson
I'm with you Mr. Quiet..what noise? What gear are you using PhotosbyKW?
Well, I don't see it here but on my monitor, RAW shot files always look excessively grainy. Don't know why since all settings are still turned off for .jpegs as well, but RAWs always look that way. Normally, I use Noise Ninja, but it is down right now, too.
Cute shot! It seems like he was having fun, too! I would have probably upped the blacks just a bit as far as processing, but in general very nice!
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Maybe the problem is just the way it looks on my monitor?
Maybe I should print it and compare the two?
You think upping the blacks would help? The overall photo looks just a bit "flat" to me. FWIW- the chainsaw and hard hat are pretty faded, and his skin is pretty pale, but they both naturally look that way so it is a fair representation. Really nothing in the frame to liven it up a bit, so I don't know what I am really thinking of to improve it. Just more or less thinking out loud. Yall feel free to play with it if you want.
well, does there need to be? I guess it depends on what you wanted with the shot, but not every shot has to be a prizewinner. It's hard enough to get 'a nice shot' of kids sometimes
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug