is there a way to load pdf files on smugmug? I use Adobe
elements and it really makes some very nice pdf. The files are much clearer then the video file I up load here.
elements and it really makes some very nice pdf. The files are much clearer then the video file I up load here.
You can load a pdf to another site and reference it from your smugmug site. See Andy's notes at
--- Denise
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If I link like that is there any way to keep the other site hidden or will it be seen?
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
The way I understand loading pdf's here is that I have to link them from somewhere else. If I do that I want to know if this "other site" will just hold the pictures or will who ever clicks on the link be taken from this site to the "other" site. The reason I am saying this is because I am thinking that if I link to a free site like Yahoo etc. and then someone looks at the pdf there I would want them to come back to smugmug and not stay at Yahoo. I hope this makes sense.
I have been thrilled to find Scribd to host a pdf. I tried Andy's method but the best I got from it was that I could add a link to a gallery that would open to a google docs pdf window. I wanted, however, to have the pdf embedded in the gallery itself.
Scribd is free.
Here's my gallery:
EDIT: I just saw your question about whether the viewer can access the file on the hosting site. Yes, or no, depending on how you set the privacy settings on Scribd. The document in my gallery is set to private so if you click the options to email or embed, you get a message indicating those aren't available. The viewer can also click a link to visit your home page on Scribd, but my site there is set to private so there's nothing to see. I don't have other documents there anyway, but if I had lots of types, privacy would be important.
Also: The embed code that Scribd generates for you has parameters for width and height, and I fiddled with height to make the viewing field size large enough to accommodate the 15" height, to minimize the amount of scrolling a viewer has to do. The default embed size was smaller. I think the viewing area size might be different for different browsers, but I don't know by how much. If you see my sample as something grossly large or something, and wouldn't mind telling me that, I would appreciate it. Otherwise I'm very happy with Scribd.
Oh - and it's pronounced "Scry-bid"!
Take a look at it so you can see the Scribd frame - Scribd does use frames, which I didn't mention before, so you don't get a totally clean Smugmug-photo-frame (non-frame) look.
I never found any PDF hosting site that would get that, though I don't know if I was thorough.
Also, Scribd will host other file types, I believe including Excel and Word, but don't quote me on that.
I'll also mention that I tried using That has a cleaner frame, but it also does use frames, and it has one other annoying quality: The file shows in the gallery as a large snapshot, not in full size. You click the file to "open" it and it opens to the entire computer screen, where you can zoom in or out, but the entire screen is in use while you view that file. No such thing as limiiting it to even a window. ...
Frustrating, in general, the whole subject is...
I am not sure if Scrifd is the right choice for me. I want to post pictures that are pretty big. I have not found a better way to do this except PDF. I will give a try.
Thanks for you help!
? You can post pictures as big as you like (within reason) on SmugMug. Are you trying to upload videos or just photos? It's not clear to me what you want to present that can't be done in high quality via smugmug.
PDF is not a good format for posting pictures. PDF is helpful for long documents that contain lots of text and pictures. But for individual pictures, just upload your full res jpg files to smugmug and allow your visitors to view them in Original size (if you have a reason to display them that big). I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve, but I think you're confused about the solution.
If this is really what you want...
Smugmagicmaker jfriend helped me solve that problem, because I guess you discovered if you select the "share" option that Google offers, you get a bogus link that - I think - redirects. I have no idea how that is supposed to work. So I asked on SmugMug, and here's the solution.
This is for a pdf file on my google docs account joinrats, in a folder called joinrats.
You can click this to see the file itself - and this is what the viewer will see when you have the working link in your gallery:
And for your HTML gallery description:
<a href=""
target="_blank">This is my PDF file</a>
Scribd gives you embed code for what appears to be a standard frame size. The code contains height and width, and you can adjust them - at least I was able to change the height to accommodate the 8.5 x 15 inch PDF file. You could try tweaking the width and height to fit your PDF size. I think the height and width may be in more than one part of the code so make sure you make all the sizes match wherever they are.
Again, though, the result is a frame in your gallery, with the pdf inside the frame. Not very nice looking for a photo. The other comments in this thread may help you the most, in terms of using "original" for size. I haven't had large photos myself so have never seen how this looks in a gallery. - I mentioned it puts a thumbnail in the gallery. It's actually a large framed thumbnail, you can single-click it and move it around inside the frame. It also tends to disappear at times, even though it's "there". That's the thing you click to go to the full screen to view the photo. And the viewing mode fills the entire computer screen. There's no way to restrict it to just a window so you can work in other windows. You also have to resize the photo, it doesn't start off filing the screen, it fills part of the screen (the rest is black - still part of and you resize it to get it large enough to see clearly. It is placed in the upper left corner of the computer screen. You and scroll left and right in the frame as well. Hope this help clarify the method.
I am sort of confused. What I do I think is a little unique. What I am doing is taking swing shots of golfers. I put these into a slide show. I do not like the way the slide show displays online. The quality of these is a little poor. Sort of like if it was on utube or something. I started using Photoshop Elements but found it was not fast enough for my purposes. I then went to Proshow Gold and I can set the speed to .25 seconds per frame as needed. I like this. What I do not like is the quality of the picture that shows up on line. One thing that I do that I like is to print these to a PDF -from Elements. There are a couple of things I like about this. First the quality of the picture is better than the slides. Second it is sort of nice to be able to use the mouse to scroll through them. So the main reason I am trying to upload PDF is quality. The slides that I do just do not give me the clear picture that I like. They do give me the ability to add other features to them like fade etc. This is nice. So what I am trying to figure out is how to best present the photos that I take. I have never seen anyone doing what I am doing anywhere so there is no one to copy. I tried to go to the other sites and link the files but I have not been about to figure out how to link the from google to smugmug. I read the instructions but I do not understand as of now. If anyone has a suggestion to help my improve what I do I would really appreciate it. My site is
Did you see my post, #14?
SmugMug doesn't allow PDF files to be uploaded as photos in galleries. So you have to "insert" them by putting in code in your gallery description HTML. Wherever you want it to show up (before and after text, for example), you insert this code:
which on your site will show this link: This is my PDF file
and when people click it it will go to a new window with the PDF.
If you're going to host the file on Google, you won't get it embedded in your gallery. Viewers will have to click a link and go to a new tab to see the file.
Scribd will allow you to embed the PDF so that it's in your actual gallery (the code is also in the gallery description HTML), such as the Excel file in this gallery:
Does that make sense?
I do understand this, what I do not know is where to insert the code. Where is where is "gallery description HTML"? I have looked for this but cannot find. Can you direct me here. Once I find this I try it with Google and then Scribd.
On your gallery page, near the breadcrumb, there is a link to "add description". Click it and a field will open up.
You put the HTML code in that. Check this site:
This code:
your valid HTML goes here
Here is another good thread:
with more helpful hints.
Here's a snapshot so you can see an example of where the "add description" is.