DSS #34 - Sort of

This is what I have shot so far for the challenge. I personally do not think it fits the theme very well but I like the image enough that if nothing else pops into my head or if none of my other images turn out I may enter it anyway.
Horton's Worlds

Thanks for looking
Horton's Worlds

Thanks for looking

Can't for the life of me see how it fits the theme--But I entered one last week which no one thought fit the theme and it made the finals---but it didn't get any votes:)
So yes that is a DY-NO-MITE foto--but
Your right it pretty much doesn't fit the theme at all. The original idea when I started the session was to have something refracted upside down in the drop(s) of water (similar to your wine glass idea), I did not like any attempt I made at creating a refraction image so this was the best of the group.
Very pretty image.
Love the shot either way.
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Here is something that I thought up last night around 11 PM
I think it fits the them just a little bit better? Maybe?
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It was a fun one to create.