DSS #34 Help..Ideas??

Okay, so I rarely ask for help...But this time I am, so ideas, suggestions- ALL. Never know what stray or off-hand comment will conjure up.
So far, this is what I got. Take the time if you please~I can palpably feel this slippin away~

or perhaps a closer crop?
So far, this is what I got. Take the time if you please~I can palpably feel this slippin away~

or perhaps a closer crop?

tom wise
I'm not sure that I get the diamond being plucked out? The sparkle in the eye?
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Thanks Andrew
1. I like the base idea as it is an out of the box (out of the eye?), concept.
2. Even though I like the idea it is hard to grasp the exact correlation to the theme. 'Inside' and 'out' are being used as two separate entities not as the whole thought of inside out. This is part of the reason I feel it is original and outside the box thinking. I'm just not sure how the judges will interpret it.
3. The black border around the iris and where the iris has been cut out are way to much it feels wrong, I think that yes a darker edge is necessary to suggest a laser cutting it out maybe? Just not so blatant.
4. The angle of opening is not quite right but this is minor because the idea is communicated.
5. I really like how you have let the eyelashes extend past the spoon edge this gives it a much more 3D feel.
Sorry to introduce so many thoughts - because I know this will create a ton of work for you if you decide to modify this
All great Suggestions, Sean!!
Yes, this needs to be re-thought and re-explored..the commentary helps, promise!
Funny how a feeling can provoke and idea..then..one can feel it slip..away~
I like the wider shot btw--and I get "inside" not insideout for the theme when I see this. But that could just be me. Well at the very least it will stop the judges in their tracks--which is never a bad thing.
Edit: I see that sherstone said the same thing about "inside instead of insideout" --so it seems I'm not alone.
I think I've run my course for the next few days....any comments?
I really like this.
"wooden thoughts"
is the only title that comes to mind ATM
The only thing I see is a strange border like line at the bottom of the frame, otherwise I really don't have anything to add.
Yep...I see that now..Soon to fix~~ Thanks Sean! Good eye. Always helps to have an extra set or more to pick out the chaff~
Yeah, the title eludes me at this early hour and my wooden brain feels petrified~
How about "Pinnochio's inner artist?"
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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Love that title! Now what, A little Vwooden Nose?
Yep. See what you mean about the opening..I think I have to forgo that to achieve the photog hanging out...hmm..perhaps I can rethink that while at work tonight.
Thanks for the ideas and comments~
I like both, although the eyeball really does have the "ewwww" factor going on with it.
The wooden dummy is pretty cool. No idea for titles, but it's a really neat image!
Thanks Diva!! Yeah, I have to let this go for a day or so..and let it stew a bit. Otherwise, I have to admit to thinkin> Inside out...how about puking from imagery....but then, thats not very nice ~ Still....
I thank everyone for the comments! Stepped away from the creative side, now trying to reconnect~
Okay,....tell me one more time~
Faith Manifest
or Woody
and thanks!!
Thanks for stopping by Sean..and the vote!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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