Harassment or good business practice??

I'm looking for some input to settle an ongoing dispute in my house about calling people who contacted me for services.
I've had a couple of acquaintances contact me to request sessions, leaving it at the potential customer saying "I'll call you when I figure out my schedule."
My boyfriend keeps harassing me to call these people back and ask if they know when they'd like to book yet. I see that as intrusive and sort of tacky. I know their lives are very busy, and portraits might not be their top priorities. He claims I'm going to lose a lot of potential business, and since they called me first, he thinks it's ok.
One of these people, in particular, is very proper and old-fashioned, and someone who I think I could easily alienate by being too pushy.
Am I being a big weenie? Is it ok to call back and gently inquire? Is email better, so they're not put on the spot so much if they've changed their minds?
In most of these cases, I prefer to preserve the long term contacts, rather than the short term business, if I had to choose.
I've had a couple of acquaintances contact me to request sessions, leaving it at the potential customer saying "I'll call you when I figure out my schedule."
My boyfriend keeps harassing me to call these people back and ask if they know when they'd like to book yet. I see that as intrusive and sort of tacky. I know their lives are very busy, and portraits might not be their top priorities. He claims I'm going to lose a lot of potential business, and since they called me first, he thinks it's ok.
One of these people, in particular, is very proper and old-fashioned, and someone who I think I could easily alienate by being too pushy.
Am I being a big weenie? Is it ok to call back and gently inquire? Is email better, so they're not put on the spot so much if they've changed their minds?
In most of these cases, I prefer to preserve the long term contacts, rather than the short term business, if I had to choose.
If you would lose them as a customer because of this kind of phone call - good riddance! Imagine what a nightmare they'd be to do business with if they're that finicky.
If they've called you to inquire about booking, I don't think it would be pushy to inquire back. Especially if they contacted you.
Not calling people, and not setting up times for shoots and sales of the shots is a great way to not get paid.
The MoxieBlog
Not to beat a dead horse, but think about it like this.
You own a restaurant in a small town somewhere in the US. You serve great food, hire friendly staff, and have a beautiful building.
The "long-term" contacts are the regulars from town. They love your restaurant, otherwise they wouldn't be regulars. The "short-term" contacts are the tourists who walk in off the street, have a great experience, and tell their friends to go there when they vacation in your town.
Both are good to have.
I would do one follow-up per week.
If you speak to them on the phone, then e-mail them (the following week). If you e-mail, then call them.
Neal Jacob
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My point is that you don't have to be pushy to make a sale. Just be confident and act as thought you will completely not take it personally if they don't book with you. I've built up a small but loyal customer base. For what it's worth, I was feeling what you are feeling now a year and a half ago. Once I decided that I was serious about being in business I pushed myself to get over it.
The MoxieBlog
You could always call and say you know they weren't ready to book when you last spoke but you wanted to let them know that between x day and x day you will be having a special on the kind of session they are having and then you can give them your sale price which might inlcude a free print or something that strkes your fancy.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
I agree with the others that it can be a good thing if done correctly, and it may very well add some clients who you do not currently have.