Pocket PC/ other PDA support?

Hi, i did a search for this and couldn't find it so here goes...
is there any way of uploading photos with a pocket pc or palm pda? i would like to upload photos from my pda while on the road that way i can clear my memory cards if i'm not around a laptop
is there any way of uploading photos with a pocket pc or palm pda? i would like to upload photos from my pda while on the road that way i can clear my memory cards if i'm not around a laptop
Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere. And sometimes you find yourself, in the middle of nowhere
Michiel de Brieder
my palm treo supports j2me, but that doesn't seem to get it done on the website as it is for specific applications and not web based tools.
the standard and beta uploaders both dont show an add photos button or anything other than the descriptive text about how it works...
i was hoping someone had programed a 3rd party tool that runs on mobile platforms, but i guess not...
But, I can shoot, extract CF card from camera, insert in iPAQ with the CF to PCMCIA adapter through the PCMCIA Expansion Sleeve, post process image with Pocket Phojo (excellent!) and email or ftp processed image over cellular or wlan connection.
In the past I posted a 'wish' that dgrin could be done completely by email but I guess that's asking too much.
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
He's the founder of Star Explorer and has perhaps the means to create a mobile version... If your a bit techy you might consider writing the application yourself
Michiel de Brieder