Tools and Customize missing
I am sure this is user error, probably messed up my CSS, but I cannot customize subcatagories and I have no toolbar. I cannot delete photos, arrange photos or watermark. Could someone please tell me why. In case this is important, I also cannot login without going to smugmug as my log in button is gone too. I am logged in and I have hit refresh with no fix. I think my problem is that I don't stay logged in when I go to another gallery?
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!
I'm not able to replicate this issue. Which web browser do you use? I would definitely recommend that you check your cookies settings to make sure they are being accepted. I would also clear them as well.
Suport Hero
I'm going to jump and ditto this issue. I am just logging in to do some much needed site clean-up and NONE of my galleries have the gallery tools or any of the usual tabs. Just photos. My cookies are enabled and that has never been an issue on here before, for me (or any site for that matter).
I'm personally using Mozilla Firefox. I tried it in Explorer and the same problem exists. HELP!!!!!!!!!!! (and yes, I contacted Help Desk... awaiting a response).
I had the same issue. It seems to be related to Flash. I finally got it to work when I upgraded my Flash player in IE. It still doesn't work in Firefox, my preferred browser.