Issue with new Journal style
Greetings all! I am trying to set up a Gallery with the images in the Journal style that allows them to display at BIG sizes. Mine are not too big since my target crowd does not have the fastest internet speeds. However it does not seem to be working. I've deleted all my sites customization, didn't help, changed the theme multiple times, also didn't help. I have it set to display images at Original size. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Here is the gallery in question
Here is the gallery in question
It looks like your original uploaded images (for the one that I checked in your link above) is 531x700. And that is the size we are displaying it looks like as well.
It will not enlarge the images larger than your originals so you would need to upload larger originals to have them display larger.
Suport Hero
Yes, I would indeed recommend that.
Suport Hero
This is really odd because we've checked and the photos are both looking OK in the system as well as displaying at the proper L size in that gallery on this end. Can you give us a bit more information about your system and process? Which browsers have you used and which OS? It looks like IE7 and Firefox on a PC, but we just need to make sure.
Also, how are you determining the pixel dimensions that you're seeing? Are you right clicking on them and viewing just the image only, or downloading them, etc?
What is your monitor resolution set to? Can you confirm that you don't have the browser's zoom level set to something greater than 100% All of these things will help us determine what's going on. Thanks!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography