Rainy day

Not entering this, but Oliver and Lady were looking so wistfully outside on this rainy day. Yes, Oliver is always cold, hates the cold, and prefers to wear the coat. (He was left outside in the freezing cold as a pup, left to die. He now has the life of luxury!) But thought you all would get a kick out of this. I don't have an off camera flash, thus the darkness of the photo. Personally would love to catch them when a squirrel has the nerve to be outside when they are trapped inside. But, I work this weekend, so I don't think I am going to get that shot. Anyway, here is the shot.

Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Love how Lady is rapt and Oliver can't be troubled to lift his head. It's like he's flowed into the sill.
Very sweet shot!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
And Lady is always very enraptured by what is outside. She is on constant watch for intruders, whether that be squirrels, rabbits, bike riders, neighbors walking their dogs, new moms with their strollers. Even the possiblity of someone walking two blocks away. You know, very dangerous suspects. She also likes to bark at every single one of those things too. Can be very trying. However, we are her 5th home (and she is turning 5, and we have had her for just under 2 years), we are working with her, we would never put her through being given away again. Plus, we kinda like her
ETA: Please excuse the dirty windows, that is literally from Lady throwing herself against said window. It is really amazing how high she can jump even though she is a little short legged basset.
Psst... I'm with her
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain