Where did I vacation this summer ...Afghanistan

OFSOFS Registered Users Posts: 12 Big grins
edited October 9, 2009 in Journeys
It always starts off with the same conversation. Where did you go this summer. ...I went to Wildwood, NJ. I went to Ocean City. I went to Florida, the Keys, it was great. I went to Vegas, California, Seattle, New York. ...hey, did you go anywhere good this summer.

...Yes, I did, went to Afghanistan.

Are you in the military?
What was it like?
That is so cool!
Was it dangerous?
I can't believe you were actually there!
We should just get out now, right?

I laugh.
Not so simple.
Why, because I don't believe what I see on TV.
No, I'm not in the military. I'm a photographer, or at least pretend to be.
(Thinking) ...No, it's probably not as cool as you think.
(Saying) ...it's probably totally different than what you think.
... Dangerous (laugh) ...you have no idea.
Yes, I was.
No, we shouldn't.

Why? Because I am an avid observer of the human condition. I believe, and have seen, that the worst conditions bring out the absolute best of humanity, as well as the worst. I've been in Darfur, Sudan. I've been in riots in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. I've seen the poorest of the poor in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan, etc, etc. Been down the Niger. Been up the Nile. Crossed the Sahara. North to south. East to west. South to north. Been in firfights in Aden and Sanaa, Yemen. Nothing prepared me for what I found in Afghanistan though.

It's not pretty. It's not cool. It's war ...and it's everything that attracts the "worst" of humanity. Landed in Kabul to the sound of silence (not good). Walked out of the airport with the conversation of ex-SAS mercs. ...mercs, everywhere. Kabul, the land of mercs. Smart murderers who know's thinking is why stay in their own country and be jailed for killing when they can hop from warzone to warzone and kill legally.

...wow, news here is alot different than at home. IED's being set-off ten fold. Kid tied to a fence (and I'm not talking about a leash, I'm saying TIED). Front desk at the Serena says no photos out of the window - lenses look like scopes and the roof top snipers are trained to shoot first and than shoot again ...and live, without having to ask any questions. No racism or anything like that here. ...get near Nato and they take the shot. Three year old girl, seventy year old man ...no matter. No one knows who the enemy is.

...Chicken street. One rooftop sniper. One driver with merc ghosting me in an SUV. Too dangerous for them to walk the street. ...listen, I will take anyone out who even looks like they are out to harm you. Don't worry, I'm an expert sniper. ...the IED's though ...I can't see them, so good luck. No camera. Too danerous. I have blond hair and blue eyes...

...do you to have dinner at my house. ...you from America. Please help and please stay. Over thirty years of war. Death. My wife was killed ten years ago. My son, five years before that. I don't know what happened to my two daughters. (Me) May God bless you man. (Him) Thank you, and may God bless you. (Merc) Get the hell away from him before I blow your f'in head off.

...etc, etc.
War. It's not what you think.
It's a new kind of war these days. I understand why Soldier of Fortune Magazine is around now...

...still don't know how to attach photos here- a few here though - for now - many more to come.


How do you imbed a photo?


  • dustin32dustin32 Registered Users Posts: 67 Big grins
    edited October 2, 2009
    Very cool photographs. I especially like the mosque and the red-clad (pink?) child.
  • RichardRichard Administrators, Vanilla Admin Posts: 20,012 moderator
    edited October 2, 2009
    OFS wrote:
    How do you imbed a photo?

    How To Post on Dgrin
    Great stuff in your galleries. I'm sure you have some interesting stories to tell as well.
  • NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited October 2, 2009
    What can I say.. WOW eek7.gif
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
  • PrezwoodzPrezwoodz Registered Users Posts: 1,147 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2009
    I really appreciate this thread. I have been thinking of going to these areas myself in recent years, what is keeping me I can't really say. Maybe its that I would scare my girlfriend to death just by mentioning it, perhaps I am just not ready.

    I really admire you for going there mostly because you didn't listen to the constant scare tactics and did what you felt was right.

    Your photos are crisp, clear, and meaningful.
  • heatherfeatherheatherfeather Registered Users Posts: 2,738 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2009
    Only complaint: only four photos.:D

    But those four have me intrigued!
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