Need to move LR 2.5 to clean install of Mac 10.6

My current install of 10.6.1 is corrupt as many core apps (iTunes, grab) crash repeatedly. I'm planning to create a new partition and do a completely clean install of the OS and all software. I am currently using LR 2.5 and would greatly appreciate suggestions on how to transfer 'everything' related to LR over so that it works without refiddling. This includes the program's preferences, my plugins (export to Photomatix and export to Smugmug), my keywords, filters (both in library and develop modules - including those I created), my 'edit in' options... You get the gist : )
I searched on the Adobe forums and via Google and did not find a clear answer on effectively doing this.
As background, I'm on a Macbook with a single catalog and files that are mostly housed on an external drive. I import to the Mac's harddrive, keyword/cull then develop and post to Smugmug. When done, I move the photos (within LR) to the appropriate location on the external.
Thanks in advance!
I searched on the Adobe forums and via Google and did not find a clear answer on effectively doing this.
As background, I'm on a Macbook with a single catalog and files that are mostly housed on an external drive. I import to the Mac's harddrive, keyword/cull then develop and post to Smugmug. When done, I move the photos (within LR) to the appropriate location on the external.
Thanks in advance!
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My site | Non-MHD Landscapes |Google+ | Twitter | Facebook | Smugmug photos
You might want to look at clonning software and clone to a virtual drive or external and then clone back to you "C" drive.....
WOW a CORRUPTED MAC, I heard that never happened........
Good luck.........
Unless 10.6 has a feature that I am unaware of, I don't think that adding a partition to an already formatted drive is possible. It would be kind of neat if I was wrong.
Personally, I'd buy a Seagate FreeAgentGo (or something like that) and copy my user files, user library and preference folders over to that. I'd even think about cloning it, not to restore but to be able to access all the files just in case. Then I'd reformat the Mac's internal and reinstall everything from your Application disks. Finally I'd hook up the external and copy the data over as well as the Adobe preference files.
BTW, if you're running CS3 or above, don't forget to deactivate the software before wiping the drive. I lost a drive once (my second legal activated one) and Adobe reamed me a new one for even daining to ask that they help me. Eventually they did help so all is well.
I've got one more idea that i'm going to try first...there is a chance this is all due to my Western Digital 320 gig drive that I used to upgrade the Macbook. I'm cloning to a 160 gig drive now and plan to put the computer through its paces to see if that was the problem.
If not, I was going to avoid the migration assistant as i don't want to bring over any bugs.
I'll post back when I know more.
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That's a good idea, it could be the hardware. Otherwise CatOne's suggestion of Migration Assistant is spot on. It's easy as heck and works great. It only works if the source is a valid OSX drive, so you'd clone your boot drive to a backup, do a clean install and then run Migration Assistant. I wouldn't muck around with partitioning, though.
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You're wrong! Neat!
Anyway, Mac OS X has supported dynamic re-partitioning for Intel Macs whose drives are partitioned as GPT (GUID Partition Table). This has worked since 10.4.x, where 10.4.x is the first Intel Mac version. This is in fact what Boot Camp uses to "carve out" some space on the drive for your Windows installation.
It is not possible to re-partition on a PPC Mac, nor is it possible to re-partition a drive that uses Apple Partition Map (APM). You can get the info on the partition map type by going to System Profiler, selecting the drives (under Serial-ATA) and looking for the Partition Map Type, e.g.:
Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
This info is also available in Disk Utility but it's hard to get to… it's buried under the "Options…" button on the Partition tab when you have a drive selected, but in my case it's grayed out and I don't feel like futzing. It's beer-thirty after all on Friday!
So you can dynamically re-partition drives, even ones you are booted from. You obviously cannot allocate more free space than you have on the drive, as that would require destroying some data on the existing partition. Disk Utility has some good UI feedback which shows you what you're doing, but basically you go to partitions and click the (+) bottom at the bottom and add a partition.
I'll note… re-partitioning works well, but I would _always_ be careful when doing something like that. I would be 100% certain to have an up-to-date backup before doing it.
Art, nice of you to do a drive by and take a pot shot at Macs, under the guise of being helpful when in fact you don't even know how to solve the issue.
I know that I should be able to add a second partition to my 320 gig drive with almost 200 gigs free but the partitioning process kept failing. That was the final straw that made me consider there was something wrong with this drive. I'm now playing musical hard drives (transferring the lenovo hackintosh to the original macbook's 120gig drive and the macbook to the lenovo's 160 gig drive). The current 320 gig 2.5" will become a secondary photo storage drive.
I don't mean to send this thread off on a tangent. I still may need a good method for transferring all of LR to a new install and would prefer a method that does not involve migration assistant if I do go that route. if the bugs/crashes aren't fixed with a change in hard drives, I wouldn't want migration assistant to bring them over to the new install.
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