Time to come up yet?

UW photography is certainly challenging. This is the only shot I really liked from today's dives. We are all stopped at 5 meters for a short "safety stop" before surfacing. I'd have liked the 4rth diver to be in a better position, but oh well. It was incredibly silty as well.
I think for my next dives, I'm going to try to set a custom white balance before hand (I shoot in Raw though.) and hopefully I'll get to shoot some wrecks, which is what I'd really like to shoot. :wink
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"If you've found a magic that does something for you, honey, stick to it. Never change it." - Mae West, to Edith Head.
"Every guy has to have one weakness - and it might as well be a good one." - Shell Scott: Dance With the Dead by Richard S. Prather