Photo order in Smugmug gallery?

I've noticed this before, but not until now has it really mattered. When I load an entire gallery into Smugmug some of the photos get swapped around when they are displayed in the gallery. I shot a football game yesterday and some of the photos are out of sequence, here's an example.

That's the exact order they are in the gallery, while it's not a big deal, but I'm hoping to sell prints of a few of these, and it just looks bad.
I tried to fix it in the gallery, but haven't seen a way to do that yet. Anyone know how, and even better how to get it to load in order in the future?

That's the exact order they are in the gallery, while it's not a big deal, but I'm hoping to sell prints of a few of these, and it just looks bad.
I tried to fix it in the gallery, but haven't seen a way to do that yet. Anyone know how, and even better how to get it to load in order in the future?
Choose Auto Sort
Choose an option
Date Taken
Then choose either ascending or descending.
I usually name my files in the order I want and sort by filename. If you don't rename filename should work or you may try date taken and use ascending for whichever one you choose.
Hope that helps.
Canon 7D, 70-200mm L, 50 and 85 primes, Tamron 17-50, 28-135