Thanks for responding. Me, too. New smugmug gallery. It says it is public and External links is set to yes. What else do I need to do?
You've got the wrong kind of links. If you have easy sharing on, it will give you the right ones (they end in .jpg). Or you can right click, choose view image and then copy the url from the address bar.
I like #2 more as an image and the large sky helps it say inside->out; the title throws me a bit because you can't see any pumpkins (though I guess a couple of those orange dots in the distance are pumpkins) -- you may want to consider a title change [wagons at the ready, or something about the wagos or barn/shelter]. I think #1 is the better candidate for upside-down, but I'm not really loving it for some reason.
You've got the wrong kind of links. If you have easy sharing on, it will give you the right ones (they end in .jpg). Or you can right click, choose view image and then copy the url from the address bar.
1. Wheelbarrows
2. At the Pumpkin Patch
3. Dinner
Edit: Went back and fixed the originals. Sweet! Thanks for the help!
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