DSS #34 Unofficial Feedback Thread - Inside Out or Upside Down

Here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#34
Gallery Found Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #34!!
This thread is:
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Gallery Found Here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #34!!
This thread is:
- a place to post a list of your top ten favorites. (be heard, and let everyone know what images moved you.)
- a place to post your "the making of my image"
- a place to ask someone "how did they do that?"(for us all to see:D )
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this
[IMG ]http://challenges.smugmug.com/photos/646702914_YfHpk-Th.jpg[/IMG ]
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Here are my favs in gallery order.
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
— Kevin
My Site, My Book
Wonderful amazing entries! Very hard to choose from
- Glad I don't have to judge this one
Thank you Kevin for including mine into your favs.
I like yours too - very catchy colors and great processing!
I'll insert my comments as the time will allow me.
Congratulations every one!
TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
If I get some time I will go back through the gallery more slowly...but off to work now...tata!
And thank you to all who selected my entry as one of their favs.
Moderator of the People and Go Figure forums
My Smug Site
Fujifilm Finepix S100fs
and my other hobby... tidewaterforge.com
Quarks are one of the two basic constituents of matter in the Standard Model of particle physics.
I have been in a bit of a slump lately with my shooting.
What a boost!
GL to all the finalists I already voted. I found the round a bit tougher than normal what did everyone else think?
A couple of people commented on the lighting. That was a specially commissioned Mobile Light Unit (her name is Kimberly,
Also, thanks to Charles, age 4, for holding still for 1/8 second. Thanks also to models Dick Grayson, Mamma Doggy, Mrs. Lion, Friendilini, Carter, and Carter, and especially Shaun the Monkey, who is resting comfortably.
And special thanks to Rembrandt van Rijn and Dr. Tulp (for inspiration.)
As always, I'm leaving my comments in the gallery.
Agreed....I was struggling to come up with an idea on this topic, which, I guess is why I went so simple. Yours Sean, was very unique and creative as usual....
I just voted too, I was struggling between 3, so I decided, based on which one I would hang on my wall
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
It's always appreciated.
You should commission Kimberly more often!
Commission her? I married her!
Thanks also to Joe, WSS, Diva, Linda, Wil, John, Sean, Kinkajou, Liz, Halite, sbarge and Mark for your feedback both before and after the entry. You pushed me to make a stronger submission. Thanks.
Best of luck to all of the very strong entries in finals, and I'm in awe of a great many of the submissions across the board.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I have had a few people ask about about this guy, did he score?, did he get hurt?, did you ps him? did you shoot in continuous mode?, so I thought I would share the shots for anyone interested. Yes, I did shoot in continuous mode and here are the four shots captured during that play.
1. Moment of initial impact. Nothing special here, other than the fact that it was the first shot in the series.
2. This is actually my favorite shot from the play. I love how he is keeping his "eye on the goal" as they say.
3. This is the shot that was entered in the contest. Not as upside down as the next but a better comp.
4. Score! Yes, he crossed the goal line before dropping the ball and he didn't get hurt (it would have hurt me!)
There you have it!
Thanks again to all that commented.
Anyone interested in how I did the "Reaching out of my world" pic can check out my 'how to' blog that I wrote up a few days ago on this very image.
And thanks judges for adding me in with all the other wonderful finalists!
Like when magicians explain how they did a trick, it all seems to make sense now that I kinda know. Doesn't mean I can do it with the same flair, but now I know. Thanks for sharing Joyce. You do have a magical ability!
Anyway, here they are in gallery order:
Spread the love! Go comment on something!