Advice? Mt Shasta area (CA)

We've not yet been up this way but it looks intriguing. From what I can tell, spring is the best time (especially to capture the gorgeous Mossbrae Falls) but maybe autumn as something to offer as well? :ear
Any suggestions for pretty places to hit this weekend for a couple of days' stay? Looks like a big area with lots to do, but does anything/place float to the top of your list? :scratch
Any suggestions for pretty places to hit this weekend for a couple of days' stay? Looks like a big area with lots to do, but does anything/place float to the top of your list? :scratch
She hasn't posted in awhile but look for Sis-Q and/or SisQue over in the DPReview Canon forums. She lives there! Has been very helpful in the past to people. You do need to be registered with DPReview forums to see the option to send her an email through clicking on the option in her profile.
Hope this helps as I know nothing of the area myself (live in southern Illinois about 80 miles from St. Louis, MO)
Jane B.
Although I still have time to poke around on DPReview and see what I find...
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Night shot Sundial Bridge
I drove through there on my way to the Redwoods.... lots of windy roads that look over a huge lake. Gorgeous but not many turn outs. When I was there in July there was a LOT of construction as you go north from Mt Shasta.
There is a small historic part that has some old buildings that looked pretty cool. It's right before you hit the lake going out of Redding. It was a 1 way road because of construction so i didn't want to stop and get stuck.
If you have time and want to keep going the 299 has some amazing views along the river.
And if you really want to keep going... Gold Bluffs Beach is aaaawwwwwesome
Hey squiddy (btw, I love your nickname
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Mt. Shasta along Hwy 299 and Hwy 3.
The town of Shasta has some gold rush era building still standing.
Weaverville has the Joss House. We were there last summer and
I enjoyed shooting there.
Also the town of Callahan has some old buildings, but you can't enter
them. Photos from that trip (including some from Crater Lake).
Otherwise, along I-5 there's Chaos Crags, but I don't have a specific
location to shoot.
I went to Dunsmuir a couple of years ago and shot Mossbrae Falls,
and Hedge Creek Falls. Photos from that trip (geotagged).
The hike to Mossbrae Falls is along an active railroad track. You'll
almost always have a train go by. The power a freight train is
pretty impressive. You hike a couple of miles to a railroad trestle and
there you are.
I'm sure people who live in the area know of the really secret spots or
the best views of Mt. Shasta. I would love to know where they are.
Have a great trip and let us know what you discovered in your research.
Fremont, CA
SmugMug Gallery
We camped at Castle Crags which are an interesting geological feature, but it was way too cold overnight to even think about getting up for sunrise!
Panther Meadows were just "eh", possibly because of the time of the year. But Mossbrae Falls was gorgeous as ever, and thanks to your tip we knew which way to go.
I might post a Journeys thread if I get a chance, but the few shots I snagged from the day are here. Thank you all!!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
I can't wait to see some of the shots you took, I really enjoy your work.
I am at work, but will post some locations later for others who may do a search for Mt. Shasta in the future.
Doug and Cathy
That would be awesome! And much appreciated. It's never too late as it's only ~4 hours from the city. :smo
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography