Trouble uploading pics
Everytime I try to upload pics to smugmug my browser shuts down and I'm looking at my desktop. I use firefox on the problem computer...well come to think of it, when I use explorer it does the same thing. When I switch to another computer it works ok. Duh, obviously the problem lies within this computer but any thoughts on how to fix this?
I'm sorry to hear you are having problems uploading your photos!
We have found that updating your current installation of java will typically resolve this issue.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
If you have a Mac, it is even easier, just click on the Apple Menu and run the "Software Update" to get the latest version of Java.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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