I keep getting asked for password while I'm logged in

nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
edited October 31, 2009 in SmugMug Support
This started a few weeks ago, and I've recently tried a it on a computer at work and had the same problem.

When I click on a gallery, it asks me for a password, but I'm logged in(remember me box is checked:wink ). I hit the refresh button, and the gallery appears as it should, in 'owner' view.

Or, when I get asked for the pasword, I click back, then click on the gallery again, it works fine.

This doesn't happen all of the time but often enough to be real pain.

Anyone else experience this lately??


  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2009
    Jim - the cookie must be set on your custom domain, so that's why the 'refresh' - if the problem persists, check if you have cookie-blasting software, security software, or other things affecting cookies? Write our heroes for advanced help on this, if you need it - thanks!
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 7, 2009
    Somethings funny, hit done on upload to return to gallery and was not
    logged in. Refresh did nothing. cntl-F5 either. Switched to another gallery and
    no photos load.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • RubenZRubenZ Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
    edited October 8, 2009
    This happens for me almost every day. Quite annoying. Even when I LOGIN at the LOGIN screen and put my info correctly it wont log me in. I've just given up and just login when smugmug feels like letting me login.
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2009
    Allen wrote:
    Somethings funny, hit done on upload to return to gallery and was not
    logged in. Refresh did nothing. cntl-F5 either. Switched to another gallery and
    no photos load.
    I just logged in on my homepage/nickname, browsed to passworded gallery,
    upload two photos and clicked done. Was returned to the password page for
    the gallery. What gives?

    After entering PW the gallery is just spinning and not loading.
    F5 or Cntl-F5 does nothing. Everything loads but photos.

    Hit login link and it zooms thru w/o pw and whole pages loads with photos.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited October 8, 2009
    Allen wrote:
    I just logged in on my homepage/nickname, browsed to passworded gallery,
    upload two photos and clicked done. Was returned to the password page for
    the gallery. What gives?

    After entering PW the gallery is just spinning and not loading.
    F5 or Cntl-F5 does nothing. Everything loads but photos.

    Hit login link and it zooms thru w/o pw and whole pages loads with photos.

    Thanks for conforming its not just me, since it's happening to a SM Pro.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 9, 2009
    What browser are you seeing this in? I need to find commonality as not everyone is seeing this problem.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2009
    docwalker wrote:
    What browser are you seeing this in? I need to find commonality as not everyone is seeing this problem.

    FF 3.5.3 with latest java

    New pc supposed to arrive today so will be offline when that happens. Lots of installs etc.
    Still scanning old for needed pieces, not fun.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited October 9, 2009
    docwalker wrote:
    What browser are you seeing this in? I need to find commonality as not everyone is seeing this problem.


    IE 7
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited October 11, 2009
    Allen wrote:
    I just logged in on my homepage/nickname, browsed to passworded gallery,
    upload two photos and clicked done. Was returned to the password page for
    the gallery. What gives?

    After entering PW the gallery is just spinning and not loading.
    F5 or Cntl-F5 does nothing. Everything loads but photos.

    Happened to me again tonight.
  • glad2badadglad2badad Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited October 13, 2009
    Having to enter correct password twice also.
    I'm running into this (customers also) when a password protected gallery is accessed. You enter the correct password and hit enter, it comes back saying the password is incorrect and to try again. The password is accepted after being entered a second time.

    It is somewhat annoying and I'm concerned that customers think either 1) they've entered an incorrect password, or 2) that the site isn't really secure or is 'buggy'.

    I've encountered this using IE 7.

    Thanks for any feedback on a timeframe for this to be addressed/fixed.

  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 13, 2009
    Sorry folks. I was finally able to replicate this last night and sent a bug to the programmers. I cannot tell you when it will be fixed but they are aware of it. Now that I found a way to replicate it, it should help.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • glad2badadglad2badad Registered Users Posts: 5 Beginner grinner
    edited October 13, 2009
    Thanks! :):
  • nipprdognipprdog Registered Users Posts: 660 Major grins
    edited October 25, 2009
    docwalker wrote:
    Sorry folks. I was finally able to replicate this last night and sent a bug to the programmers. I cannot tell you when it will be fixed but they are aware of it. Now that I found a way to replicate it, it should help.

    Anything to report?

    Still a problem.
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 25, 2009
    nipprdog wrote:
    Anything to report?

    Still a problem.
    We know that some of you are having issues with this. {JT} is still looking into it.

    When we have news it'll be announced in the release notes.

    I'm sorry it's taking us longer than you'd want for us to nail this.
  • TalkieTTalkieT Registered Users Posts: 491 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    Another very specific, replicable report of something realted...

    I often have 2 FF (3.5.3) windows open, one with my site on the right, logged in but in visitor view mode - with Firebug active.

    The second FF window is on the advnaced customisation screen with the CSS, HTML headers etc... If I make changes on the left, but then refresh the window on the right, when I hit apply (or whatever it's called) on the left screen, it fails and I lose the edits.

    Now I usually terminal serve into another machine to do the edits and have FF 3.5.3 with Firebug on my main machine in native mode...

    Cheers - N
    http://www.nzsnaps.com (talkiet.smugmug.com)
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    TalkieT wrote:
    Another very specific, replicable report of something realted...

    I often have 2 FF (3.5.3) windows open, one with my site on the right, logged in but in visitor view mode - with Firebug active.

    The second FF window is on the advnaced customisation screen with the CSS, HTML headers etc... If I make changes on the left, but then refresh the window on the right, when I hit apply (or whatever it's called) on the left screen, it fails and I lose the edits.

    Now I usually terminal serve into another machine to do the edits and have FF 3.5.3 with Firebug on my main machine in native mode...

    Cheers - N
    The way to do this is use different browsers, not visitor mode, sorry.

    Try Flock, it's a firefox clone and works beautifully for this purpose.
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    docwalker wrote:
    What browser are you seeing this in? I need to find commonality as not everyone is seeing this problem.


    I've been having this problem for as long as I can remember

    jasonstone.smugmug.com works fine always logged in
    www.stonesque.com - always have to re-log in

    Mac, snow leopard, Safari and all latest updates

  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    jasonstone wrote:
    I've been having this problem for as long as I can remember

    jasonstone.smugmug.com works fine always logged in
    www.stonesque.com - always have to re-log in

    Mac, snow leopard, Safari and all latest updates

    not re-log in, but set your cookie again when you are on your custom domain - by refreshing the screen :)
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited October 26, 2009
    Refreshing = hold down the shift key and hit the reload button on the browser. You may have to do it a couple times. But it does help in some cases.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    i tried that - lots of times

    just now i've deleted EVERY cookie in Safari
    then emtpied cache
    and then quit
    re-started safari
    logged in
    then quit safari
    re-started safari
    and i have to re-log in to www.stonesque.com again

    am i missing something???


    p.s. i do have Remember Me checked :)
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    OK i logged in and then did shift and refresh 4 times
    then quit and re-started safari
    still no go...

    got i hope i'm not doing something completely thick here headscratch.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    jasonstone wrote:
    i tried that - lots of times

    just now i've deleted EVERY cookie in Safari
    then emtpied cache
    and then quit
    re-started safari
    logged in
    then quit safari
    re-started safari
    and i have to re-log in to www.stonesque.com again

    am i missing something???


    p.s. i do have Remember Me checked :)
    Jason: be sure you have accept cookies 'always' checked?

    You can also login and out here http://www.stonesque.com/ as well.
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    Andy wrote:
    Jason: be sure you have accept cookies 'always' checked?

    You can also login and out here http://www.stonesque.com/ as well.

    i've got it set to "Only from sites I visit"

    is that sufficient? it seemed to be for jasonstone.smugmug.com

    edit: did apple-shift-refresh some 6+ times and same issue
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 26, 2009
    jasonstone wrote:
    i've got it set to "Only from sites I visit"

    is that sufficient? it seemed to be for jasonstone.smugmug.com

    edit: did apple-shift-refresh some 6+ times and same issue

  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2009
    Andy wrote:

    Ok i set it to always.
    Then logged in to www.stonesque.com and also jasonstone.smugmug.com
    then used shift-refresh like 6+ times on each page
    then quit, and....


    i always remain logged in to jasonstone.smugmug.com but never to www.stonesque.com

    as an IT person all I can say is sometimes I HATE computing headscratch.gif
  • AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2009
    jasonstone wrote:
    as an IT person all I can say is sometimes I HATE computing headscratch.gif
    Me too, and I can't replicate your behavior. What happens in Firefox ear.gif
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 27, 2009
    Frustrations galore!

    Firefox - same issue... jasonstone.smu.... stays logged in, stonesque.com nope

    it must be something to do with my custom domain... or it's config
    it's not a show stopper it's just a bit of a time waster and annoying that's all

    is it because i'm not going through godaddy?

    i'm about to give up... and i hate giving up on IT problems - not my nature!

    thanks for all ideas/troubleshooting Doc and Andy
  • jasonstonejasonstone Registered Users Posts: 735 Major grins
    edited October 30, 2009
    woo hoo - would appear the latest bug fixes etc. from smugmug solved this problem for me clap.gif
    i just logged in, quit safari, restarted safari and voila - still logged in :D
  • MaestroMaestro Registered Users Posts: 5,395 Major grins
    edited October 31, 2009
    I'm having a similar issue in that when I log in with my smugmug name, www.maestros.smugmug.com, everything is fine but as soon as I enter a gallery it kicks me out to my custom name which forces me to log in again. All galleries do this. Now I can not use the Social Networking feature either as it always has me at my custom name which can not be used with this feature. Strange. This is has been happening since the summer for me.
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