
Just a few photos I've taken while driving through some Indian Reservations.
This one was taken at an empty gas station on the Crow Creek Reservation in SD.

Sully's Hill National Game Preserve - Spirit Lake Indian Reservation, ND -- Strange to find this on reservation land, but info can be read here.

Pony on RoseBud in SD. There were some beautiful horse's there.

More photos from the Reservations I've visited can be seen on my site.
This one was taken at an empty gas station on the Crow Creek Reservation in SD.

Sully's Hill National Game Preserve - Spirit Lake Indian Reservation, ND -- Strange to find this on reservation land, but info can be read here.

Pony on RoseBud in SD. There were some beautiful horse's there.

More photos from the Reservations I've visited can be seen on my site.
What a beautiful shot. I love the blue roan coat!
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
Can I pass on those?
#2 doesn't do anything for me.
#3. Totally love this shot!!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
This horse was so pretty that I finally had to put my camera down and just watch it. Graceful -- it walked so softly.
Thanks for taking a look and I'm glad you liked the horse. I more photos of it on my site.
Yeah you can pass on the first two -- no problem
The 3rd -- that horse was a beauty. My photo doesn't do it justice as it was an overcast day with lighting that was really weird...bright but dull outside. If that makes any sense
Thank you DaddyO for commenting -- it makes me see the first two photos differently - which is good
Hi Andrew
Gangs are an issue on the reservations now. Read an article a few weeks ago about gangs moving onto the reservations to recruit and also start up meth labs. Guess the time in jail is a lot less on the reservation if caught. The building sitting next to this empty dumpster/gas station was a hotel....other things were going on outside there that I need not mention. I was hoping to stay there and spend my evening taking photos, but I drove on.
The buffalo....I must be the only one that likes that photo
I'm glad you liked the horse photo -- the pony's as they call them are beautiful on the reservation. If your lucky to come upon them while driving through its worth a stop to just watch them.
Thank you for your comments Andrew
Guess I haven't seen enough buffalo from that end to appreciate a good shot (or have even known it was a buffalo).
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I'm with Michael on the first two...
The horse image: Just perfect
The ears are up, head pulled around to profile, lighting looks like a giant softbox was used, background bokeh & perfect complimentary color for the horse & nice framing.
You really should be happy with your effort on this image.
Hi Randy,
I am happy with that image of the horse. All the while I was taking photos I was hoping for just one to turn out and lucked out with a few extra's too.
Your all right about the other two -- I love learning
WELL DONE MARY..... azzaro
Hi Azzaro --
Thank you for the nice comment on the horse photo
You like the buffalo
Really interesting images, all 3 of them.
I liked the story and the desolation of the first shot.
The Second shot is a great example of the South end,
of a North Bound Buffalo
The 3rd shot is just Stunning, the feel this ones gives off is immediate, and the lighting and composition is just perfect, I have to say this is one of the best images I think you've shared with Us.
Very nicely done, looked like a very rewarding outing.
Burleson, Texas
Hi Craig --
South end of a north bound buffalo -- that's a good one
I'm happy you like the horse photo. Wish I could say I threw in a good photo to let you all know I can take photos
That outing was taken last summer and it was soooo much fun. I love driving through the reservations. The vastness empties the mind of everything other then what it's taking in at the moment. If you ever have a chance to drive through one you'll enjoy it.
Thanks Craig for the nice comments and I'm happy your enjoyed the photos
I'm glad you do.
Randy is most correct about the light. It gave shot 3 the high over all nice light it has and that you captured so very well.
Give yourself some credit for your efforts and triumphs. It ok. Really. ;-)
Last thing. I enjoyed your story line behind the shots. Not that whats true is savory. It just is.
DaddyO --- Thank you for your very kind words