vote for challenge 14 theme

vote here for challenge 14 theme.
what should be the theme for challenge 14? 26 votes
who are the people in your neighborhood?
8 votes
7 votes
song titles
3 votes
extremeties (hands and / or feet)
3 votes
things in threes
5 votes
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Im callin' foul on the " squashed L2 lumbar disc & pentazocine rule " & am going to find something in a tree to photograph. Thats what i thought was listed & thats what i will do, it sounded like such a great idea.
Carry on please....
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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i will start the new challenge after the present one concludes (voting ends tonight nyc time)
patience ;-)
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I am afraid to go outside if my neighbor is doing yardwork. We live in townhouses, so I am pretty upclose to my neighbor. I had an idea, I could get my husband to bring home the muslim background that ............
I can't tell you my ideas, but if I don't use it, I might as well tell someone. I have to do a baptism this weekend. Is my church over on the island, but close, is that "my neighborhood"? What is defined as neighborhood? Are we on an honor code? Shaking in my boots here, about to take another Xanax. And speaking of drugs. Lynn, how are you?? Are you still with us? How about the person with the hurt back?
Can I just take pictures of me?? I live in my neighborhood??
ginger, whose dogs live here, too.
neighborhood is very loose. we have ozzie members here of dgrin, and their nearest neighbor could be 100 miles away
wait for the challenge thread, i have some suggestions for you all
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neigh·bor·hood Pronunciation Key (n
- A district or area with distinctive characteristics: a neighborhood of fine homes; an ethnic neighborhood.
- The people who live near one another or in a particular district or area: The noise upset the entire neighborhood.
- The surrounding area; vicinity: happened to be in the neighborhood.
- Informal. Approximate amount or range: in the neighborhood of five million dollars.
- Friendliness appropriate to a neighbor: a feeling of neighborhood.
- Mathematics. The set of points surrounding a specified point, each of which is within a certain, usually small distance from the specified point.
To me, Neighborhood is anywhere you find yourself on a regular basis. The area around your office, commute to work, hometown, parents hometown, all are neighborhoodsof which you are part of. I have some interesting ideas, but will I have the oppertuntiy in the next 10 days to pull any of them off, who knows. I really need a good flash today for one of these ideasThat was a "Mr. Rogers Neighborhood" joke people.....