Linking photo to a blog and SmugMug off line
I've recently started a blog
( Just before posting this, SmugMug was totally off line, but the small size copies of photos I've put links to in the blog still appear in the blog posts. This is great, of course, but I had imagined that if Smugmug was totally down that there would just be a blank space in the wordpress blog where the photo should appear.
To be sure about this, I cleared my web browser completely. The wordpress blog still showed the photos in each posts.
By the way, I have the blog set up so that clicking on a photo opens the same image in a gallery on my Smugmug site. This, of course, brought up the message that Smugmug was off line.
So the question is, how does the small size photo in the blog, linked from a Smugmug site still show in the blog when Smugmug is totally off line, and not even in read only mode?
( Just before posting this, SmugMug was totally off line, but the small size copies of photos I've put links to in the blog still appear in the blog posts. This is great, of course, but I had imagined that if Smugmug was totally down that there would just be a blank space in the wordpress blog where the photo should appear.
To be sure about this, I cleared my web browser completely. The wordpress blog still showed the photos in each posts.
By the way, I have the blog set up so that clicking on a photo opens the same image in a gallery on my Smugmug site. This, of course, brought up the message that Smugmug was off line.
So the question is, how does the small size photo in the blog, linked from a Smugmug site still show in the blog when Smugmug is totally off line, and not even in read only mode?
There are a lot of reasons the images could still be showing:
1) Cache - which you cleared,
2) The images are being copied to your blog's local storage (some blogging engines do this instead of linking straight to the image. Not sure about Wordpress...)
3) Portions of SM may have still been active and able to render small images --, or you were hitting their cache of the images already rendered. Depending on their infrastructure it could be entirely possible to render/serve images while the rest of the site functionality is pooched.
4) Perhaps your ISP is also performing image/content caching.
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Note: I won't be offended if you edit my photo and repost it on dgrin -- I'm always open to new interpretations
and ideas, and any helpful hints, tips, and/or critiques are welcome. Just don't post the edit anywhere else
but dgrin, please.
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I will start off by asking SmugMug support and wordpress support about their possible roles in this, as it would be good to be assured that the small size images in each blog post will always show, even when SmugMug is completely off line.
I'll report back here with anything interesting I find out in case it may be of help to others.