FS: Fusion is Now DVD...$160.00
I have a the Bebbs Fusion is now DVD for sale...I guess I do to much reading because this was a review for me...but I think for most who have only done some reading on the net, would find this chalked full of info...and its not just 5d mk2 with hard core equipment, they even show lots of great things how to incorporate a smaller scale of fusion into what you deliver to your clients...lots and lots of good info...but I have been researching fusion since it came out and I have done a pretty good job LOL...I do wish I would have purchased this first because it would have saved me a lot time and I would have gotten my info. much quicker...
If you have any interest in this fusion this is the DVD to get...and its not about replacing videographers, its just some small fusion to blow your clients away...They even show you how to do it yourself with no help and maintaining being a photographer first and foremost...
Each DVD has literally only been watched once...
Retail on this is $250.00 I would like to get $160 shipped for it...I would prefer check and I have taken quite a few checks in the bschool and sent exaclty what I promised, so there are no worries there...
Please let me know if you have any questions...
If you have any interest in this fusion this is the DVD to get...and its not about replacing videographers, its just some small fusion to blow your clients away...They even show you how to do it yourself with no help and maintaining being a photographer first and foremost...
Each DVD has literally only been watched once...
Retail on this is $250.00 I would like to get $160 shipped for it...I would prefer check and I have taken quite a few checks in the bschool and sent exaclty what I promised, so there are no worries there...
Please let me know if you have any questions...
Brandon Perron Photography