Am I nuts?
I'm considering upgrading my D300 to a D700, mainly for the low light capability and the brighter viewfinder. Although, being able to use my lenses at their actual focal length is a benefit as well.
You guys have all seen my style of photography. Am I nuts to do this or should I just keep the D300 and save my pennies for an RF system?
You guys have all seen my style of photography. Am I nuts to do this or should I just keep the D300 and save my pennies for an RF system?
Michswiss... nope. I don't know your style of photography!
So, I bought a used D300 from a dgrinner... but only because i wasn't ready to unload the cash on the D700 as I'm starting over with Nikon lenses as well. I'm not sure if I care about full-frame... I actually like the extra reach of the crop... but I do know this - for it's low-light capabilities... if money wasn't an object, I would have gone straight to the D700.
I'd be absolutely giddy walking around the city in crappy light with a D700. Yeah, I stepped up from a Canon 30D to a D300... but still... I would have spent the extra dough on the D700 if I had it.
Walk to the edge.
Listen hard.
Pratice wellness.
Play with abandon.
Choose with no regrets.
Appreciate your friends.
Continue to learn.
Do what you love.
Live as if this is all there is.
You'll either know or not. The moment I looked through a FX view finder I was hooked. a total junkie. :ivar
Given your love of low light, you would not be nuts. And being able to use the lenses at their original focal lengths - priceless. Hell, you might even be able to find a used manual focus Nikon 28 1.4, and 85 1.4 - both of which are killer lenses.
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
Personally I never understood the reason all the cam companies came out with crop sensors first......I came to this from shooting 35mm and Medium Format and complained everytime I looked into a viewfinder and pressed the shutter release............. I still have not mastered the inviewfinder cropping of portraits and such I leave extra room for cropping in PS, but when I grab my 35 or 6x6 or 6 x 4.5 cams I can get exactly what I want in cam on film.........but for wildlife and landscapes the crop sensor is a in the future I do see a FF cam for me and longer glass to get what I now see in a cropped viewfinder...............
Well, yes, you are nutz... but that's another story..
I have both a DX & FX. I tried the crop function on my D700 and found it lacking.
I did some elemental math for mm reach. I got rid of a 200/400 f4 for a 300 2.8 + 1.4X. My 300 + D90 is less weight & size for almost the same reach - add a 1.4 and I have more reach - all more carriable (a new word).
But for low light the D700 excels. It may open a whole new area for you
I wouldn't sell the 300 so quickly if you do get the D700. The flexibility of two cams is very nice.