Is the Smgmug Server Down Again
I am new to Smugmug. I spent a load of time figuring out how to build a site on the system. I am not a happy camper this morning. Yesterday there was a server outage, and this morning I have encountered the same. Also, I couldn't get my custom header to load before the system collapsed. I need reliability, and cannot mess around with a system that is off and on. Please fill me in on what the situation. Thanks. ~Don Iannone
My site is working fine - hopefully yours is back to normal by now.
Add this site to your feed reader: . It's the Smugmug status blog that'll tell you (almost always) when there are outages.
Smugmug has more downtime and outage events than most of the other major players in this field, but they are normally short (others can be down for days), the customer service is outstanding, and the communication is adequate.
There are times the downtime will frustrate you (it doesn't matter if it's only for an hour when it's during the hour you set aside to work!) but I've yet to find anyone worth switching to.
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