tutorial: better b&w with selective color>black

i cannot emphasize the value of using selective color>blacks in
your b&w conversion. i use it in almost every single b&w
conversion that i do.
here's how. perform your normal b&w conversion. if you need a week's worth of reading on b&w conversion, look here!
let's look at this image. here it is after my bw conversion and levels adjustment. still needs some pop though, eh?

now do layer>new adjustment layer>selective color

choose the blacks from the drop down menu and bump it up. sometimes as much as 100%, depending on the image. don't worry if it gets too much in certain parts, you can always back it off selectively, using the layer mask.

here, you can see that i used the layer mask and a soft edged fat brush to remove some of the added black from certain areas of the image. look closely at the layer mask in the layers pallette window. to see where i backed off the blacks, look closely at the tree/water line on the left hand side of the image.

and here's the finished product.
ir-modified sony f828, 1/200th sec, f/5.6, 720nm filter aboard.

enjoy (black and white) photography,
your b&w conversion. i use it in almost every single b&w
conversion that i do.
here's how. perform your normal b&w conversion. if you need a week's worth of reading on b&w conversion, look here!
let's look at this image. here it is after my bw conversion and levels adjustment. still needs some pop though, eh?

now do layer>new adjustment layer>selective color

choose the blacks from the drop down menu and bump it up. sometimes as much as 100%, depending on the image. don't worry if it gets too much in certain parts, you can always back it off selectively, using the layer mask.

here, you can see that i used the layer mask and a soft edged fat brush to remove some of the added black from certain areas of the image. look closely at the layer mask in the layers pallette window. to see where i backed off the blacks, look closely at the tree/water line on the left hand side of the image.

and here's the finished product.
ir-modified sony f828, 1/200th sec, f/5.6, 720nm filter aboard.

enjoy (black and white) photography,
A Sheet of printing paper. I have tried changing the settings, etc. I get the image cut off on the rt side of the paper each time, in other words I am not getting all the info on the page. I have never had this problem before. Do you have any suggestions. I would like to be able to print out this, and all, tutorials.
Has anyone else had this problem?
it is still too wide.
i made the images a bit smaller. please say when you've printed it so i can return them to the large size, thanks.
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And see if that will work?
Thanks, Andy. Making the images a tad smaller did just the trick. Thank you so much. I was glad it worked as I do not know how to put them in a word doc, or whatever. I have them printed, now, though, so go ahead and enlarge.
glad you got it printed...
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Is there anything you didnt mention that is maybe obvious that im not getting ?
Whats the next stupid thing im doing wrong ?
This should be an easy fix. To use selective colour, your image must still be an RGB image. Check under Image->Mode-> and see what your image mode is. If is says grayscale, selective colour won't work.
I think the way Andy does his B/W conversions sometimes is by using Layers->New Adjustment Layers->channel mixer (this leaves it as an RGB picture). Mix the Red and green so that the mix totals about 100% and click the monochrome check box.
Now you can add another adustment layer to add the selective colour. I just gave it a quick try, and it works fine.
Hope the drugs are doing their job! Be well:D
Problem is that it changed the photo from 500 k to over 10 meg !! is that normal ?
It was huge cause it was saved as a PSD...changed it to jpeg & ta dar ! This is 'Tilly ' 0zz's most feared dingo
How about some more wildlife shots?
P.S. Where did you get the awesome avatar?