#35 ?~Meh!

Blue, yes. Blue wall, Blue girl, Blue mood, possibly blubious (dubious).
Not one of my favorite shots but, there is something that I like just not sure quite why.
Not one of my favorite shots but, there is something that I like just not sure quite why.

Even if you agree I would love to know that it does nothing for you
I have a sneaking suspicion that it is her eyes, that has you spell bound~
Her eyes seem to pierce right thru whatever veil you have layered there.
And I know thats why I like this shot!
In her own words "That's so creepy!" Why is it creepy? I ask, "My eyes they stand out!", That's the point.
Thanks Tom!
Caveat: And beautifully So!
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
AWESOME point and I agree. thank you so much for your feedback!
And then you can call it 'Wallflower'.
cool idea!
But I know this is just the beginning. Can't wait to see what you come up with. :lurk
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Thank you Virginia,
I can't wait either ~ my brain is still whirring away, I think I just need to go on a blue hunt sometime this week.
Thanks everyone for your help and support on the other image. It just did not feel right in the end.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Thanks! I myself envisioned finding blue instead of manufacturing it.
You know I'm curious so I had to ask. Not that I don't like it I really do I just expect to see something else. Do I make sense?
peace, g
Thanks Gail!
It is in the water but because of the way the light was or wasn't reflecting at the angle I took the picture at the exposure of the water was much much darker than the rest of the boat and rope, making it black.
Your entry is just wonderful - it meets the theme, is a beautifully framed and exposed photograph (and would be in b&w as well), and has a clean simplicity.
Darn. Hard to beat.
PS- I really love your lady in blue as an artistic photograph. Funny, but it is stronger when it stands on its own and is not weighed down by the blue theme!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
Note to self: less is more = simplicity = shootintherainmoreoften