
Ever since dtw78 posted a PS-generated rainbow in Finishing School, I have been suspicious of rainbow shots. This one isn't as nice as his, but think of it as a real person instead of a fashion magazine shot. :lol3

Mary: Just about anything in Spain leads directly to a church.
Seatime: The composition was intentional. I could have included a lot more, but it seemed like a good opportunity to do something that was minimalist. A couple of years ago I saw an exhibition of some Antarctica pics in which most of the detail was concentrated at the edges of the frame. I forget the photographer's name, but those shots really impressed me.
Ian: Right, and (lazy bum that I am) I especially love it when I can get the shot from my own terrace
Thanks to all for commenting.
This really interests me -- if you ever remember please let me know
Where would we be without Google...the photographer was Lynn Davis. Her home page has some Antarctica pics, but not the ones I (vaguely) remembered. BTW, she is also a master of printing and little tiny Web Jpgs don't convey the power of the ones I saw, which were huge and breathtaking.
Thanks Richard