J Train On the Williamsburg Bridge
I went up on the walkway of the Williamsburg Bridge with a tripod and an 8 second exposure. When you look down from the walkway you see a subway line (umm, an elevated subway line) and a couple of lanes of car traffic travelling beyond the columns. At this exposure the cars are just sort of pools of light.
I love the way the letter J chugs along like a spirograph for the entire 8 seconds in the red shot.
The blue shot is when I turned around back towards manhattan and shot towards the headlights rather than the taillights of vehicular traffic.

I love the way the letter J chugs along like a spirograph for the entire 8 seconds in the red shot.
The blue shot is when I turned around back towards manhattan and shot towards the headlights rather than the taillights of vehicular traffic.

Those are both absolutely gorgeous.
Sorry. I use firefox on a mac and they scale okay for me. What size should I aim for for greatest compatiblity? I always want these two big because you can't see the "J" clearly at a smaller size.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)